HSBC Text Message

HSBC text message scam

HSBC Text Message Scam: How It Works

Watch out for a new HSBC scam text message going around. Whether it’s about authorised payments, new payee addition, or an unrecognized device, an avalanche of HSBC scams texts has hit the United Kingdom.  Let’s take a look at them and show you how these phishing scams work, how to avoid them, and how to report them.

There are four types of fake HSBC text messages that UK citizens have been receiving this week. Feel free to contribute with your experience at the end of the article, in the comments section. List the phone numbers, too. Let’s dive in.

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HSBC new payee scam

1.HSBC New Payee

The bogus HSBC could look in a couple of ways. The content of the message varies, but essentially it looks like this: “HSBC Security: Payment detected to a new payee. Wan NOT you? Act immediately via”.

In a different variation, the text looks like this: “HSBC: A new payee addition was attempted from a new device. If this was not you, please visit:”.

The phone numbers that scammers use for sending these fraudulent messages are 07961 413172 and 07508 512464.

HSBC text message payee

Related Article: ProofCam Scam

2. HSBC Authorised Payment

The content of the message looks like this: “HSBC: You have authorised a payment of £240.00 to Mrs. K Adams. If this wasn’t you, please cancel via”.

The phone number that was listed on this notification is 07956 594768.

HSBC authorised payment

3.Unrecognized Device

Like the previous examples, this goes along the same lines, with a different twist: “HSBC: A new payee request was created from an unrecognised device. You can authorize or cancel requests via”.

Here is the phone number perpetrating these text message scams: 07961 413172.

HSBC unrecognized device

4. HSBC Account Temporarily Restricted

This text message states, “Deal HSBC customer. Your account has been temporarily restricted. To keep your account secure, please follow”
The phone numbers used are 7568 232364 and 07708317268.

As you can notice, all these fraudulent messages look similar and are probably send from the same scammer. If you will, it’s an A-B testing to see which one makes more victims.

HSBC authorised payment

Once people click on those links, they redirect to a page that looks like the official HSBC website. It is not, so do not proceed with anything. The fake page requests that you input your login credentials, including the account number and password. From there, as you can imagine, criminals empty your savings. It is one of the typical phone scams that have been going around in the United Kingdom and worldwide.

Some examples include Chase Alert Text Message, CIBC email, Royal Mail scam email, or the fake Bank of Ireland Text Message.

Delete the message and report it. See how below.

HSBC Text Scam: How To Report

Warn your friends about the HSBC Text Message Scam by sharing this article using the buttons provided. If you wonder how to report phone scams, you can also officially do it to the Action Fraud UK and the Federal Trade Commission using the links below:

Report to Action Fraud UK

Report To The FTC Here

How To Prevent Identity Theft and More

If you want to be the first to find out the most notorious scams every week, feel free to subscribe to the Scam Detector newsletter here. You’ll receive periodic emails – we promise not to spam. Meanwhile, educate yourself with some other fraud-related articles right under this paragraph, so that you can protect yourself in many other aspects and niches. Last but not least, use the Comments section below to expose other scammers.

Here are some must-reads for the end:

Tax Evasion Scam Call

Credit Card Scams Scam

identity theft protection


1. Top 5 Amazon Scams in 2024
2. Top 5 PayPal Scams in 2024
3. How To Spot a Scam Email in 2024
selma hrynchuk
Selma HrynchukSelma is a fraud prevention specialist renowned for her expertise in private eye investigations and a remarkable partnership with law enforcement agencies. Beyond her investigative triumphs, her public speaking engagements and written works have empowered countless individuals to protect themselves and stay ahead of deceptive schemes. Selma's legacy shines as a tenacious agent of change, unyielding in her commitment to battling fraud and ensuring a safer world for all.

28 thoughts on “HSBC Text Message”

  1. Scammers have started targeting New Zealanders with this one, with BNZ bank as the [fake] “sender” — the address they provide uses “-” symbols where one would expect “/” symbols to be — the one I received had a “.me” suffix, and warned of an “unauthorised attempt”… needless to say i am NOT a BNZ customer, though I suspect they chose BNZ as many small NZ banks do remissions thru BNZ — EYES OPEN, FOLKS!! [and if you ARE curious, then always always always google-search your way to any suggested website first for technical assists — NEVER click on an unsolicited address!!]

  2. Margaret Mamie Lewis

    My HSBC scam received today from 07423 161355 advising of new payee. I don’t bank with them!

    1. I got the same. I don’t even bank with them and never have. How they ever got our numbers is a mystery. It is not the first time they tried it on me. I just reported it by text.

  3. Hi I have received a text on my phone on Saturday HSBC FRAUD ALERT I have authorised a payment of £240.00 to Mr. C Jones, sorry I do not know any C Jones I never authorised any payment to anyone

  4. Also got one purpotedly from Paypal – 07920397146 – saying an unusual sign in attempt from LEEDS was detected.
    And the one from 07907049166, 07310103879 about an HMRC pending tax rebate and with two different links.

  5. +44 7867 637980 A new mobile device is registered on your account on xx/xx at xx:xx if this was not done by you, please visit:

  6. 44 7908 49063
    HSBC: A new payment request created…..:
    WHERE do they get ou mobile numbers from?

  7. 44 7908 49063
    HSBC: A new payment request created…..:
    WHERE do they get ou mobile numbers from?

  8. 25/01/21 Just received flagged your account due to unusual transfer request to confirm or cancel go to hsbc from 447546021548

  9. Just received SMS saying a new device has logged on and if not me to please contact URGENTLY: https:/./

    1. I keep getting text messages about HSBC with different messages I do not have a HSBC account but how do this people get your mobile phone number

  10. I have just received one of these Scam sms text messages from +447544035339 as follows:
    Dear HSBC Customer. We have detected a new device on your account. To keep your account secure please follow
    Deleted & blocked. Problem is that scams like these spoof many telephone numbers!!

  11. My SMS was today received from tel. no. 07392 595260 and it was worded:
    HSBC: Payment request was made from an unrecognised device. If this was NOT you, please visit:
    I don’t even have an account at HSBC. :o)

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