Donation In Your Name Email

Donation in Your Name Scam: How It Works

(with video below) There is no week for us without receiving messages from readers, letting us know about a donation-related scam that’s been going around and having the same traits as an old age scheme.

Since it keeps happening we publish it with all its variations, just so other potential victims can avoid being taken advantage of. The scam comes as an email from someone afar, informing you that there is unclaimed money in a bank somewhere. Your name is listed as the beneficiary. If you received the same kind of emails, feel free to drop scammers’ names in the comments section below to expose them.

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This fraudulent email is very similar to the Inheritance/Next-of-kin scam. How does it work?

Watch the video below to see a new twist in the Inheritance Scam, exposed:

Inheritance Scam in the News Video

The person will tell you that there are some funds in a foreign bank (or safety boxes) for you. The email comes in different variations, so let’s take a look at a few examples, then we will explain how it works.


Variation 1: Philanthropist Giving Money Away

Here is the email we just received from one, calling himself Charles Koch:

My Dear,

Thank you for confirming the validity of your email address and also for accepting this grant. My foundation ( Atlantic Philanthropies ) technically is responsible for awarding grant/donation but I have always wanted to make a personal donation to random individuals in any part of the world and that is why I have decided to give [$1,500,000,00 USD] to you secretly without my foundation being aware. 

It gives me great joy for being able to make this donation to you, let’s make the world a better place by giving and solving each other’s problems, all people have the right to opportunity, equity, and dignity.

To facilitate the disbursement process of the funds valued at One Million Five Hundred United States Dollars[$1,500,000 USD] which have been donated solely to you, please send me the below information before proceeding with remitting the sum of One Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars [$1,500,000 USD] to you. 

I am hoping that you will be able to use the money wisely and judiciously. I ask you to do what you can to alleviate the level of poverty in your region and also try to enhance the standard of living of as many people as you can and see the joy and happiness of giving.

Do make sure you provide me with your complete information below so I can forward you the details of the delivery company that will deliver it to you.

Full Name:

Contact Address:



Mobile Number:

I am trusting you to make good use of this money.

Thank you for accepting this offer, I am indeed grateful. I anticipate your earliest response.”


Variation 2. Abandoned Funds From a Delivery Agent

Here is the email we received not too long ago:

“Good Day,

This is to inform you that your cash boxes worth millions of dollars is still in our custody and we are ready to serve you better.

This package was abandoned here by some delivery agent from AFRICA long ago and ever since then we have not heard back from the delivery agent and we decided to contact you directly so that we can DELIVER your package to you and have more space for other packages to be stored.

I am in charge and I shall be waiting to hear back from you so that I can know what to do with the cash boxes.Thank you for your cooperation.

Best Regards,

Dr Yandex Ibru


Variation 3: Unclaimed Money Collection Form

This one is a bit different, but is part of the same ‘family’ of scams:


Public records indicate that $3,226,519 of unclaimed money has been turned over to the State of California for distribution. Potentially an amount of money from this fund belongs to you. For instructions and your UMC Form (Unclaimed Money Collection Form) return this form along with a $20 check to: Asset Recovery, PO Box….”


Variation 4. Consignment Truck Box With Your Name

Here is the email, badly written in English:

“Good day,

We the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), believe you received the previous message we sent to you, prior to your dealings with the U. S Custom Authority at (JFK) John F. Kennedy International Airport New York as regards to your over-due contract payment consignment trunk box worth $8,000.000.00 (Eight million dollars only), which was endorsed in your favor and like we stated earlier, we have dully screened through this project as stipulated on our protocols of operation and have finally confirmed that your contract payment is 250% genuine and hitch free from all facet and of which you have the lawful right to claim your fund without any further delay.

This is to let you bring to your notice that we have just been informed through a secrete source that the U.S Custom Authority at (JFK) are making arrangement to have your contract fund wired into the Bank account of Mrs Jane Frederick, the lady that contacted them, earlier and presented some documentation evidencing your claim purported to have been signed personally by you for the release of your contract fund to her, since you have chosen to ignore their messages and refuse to pay the required $130.00 for Custom Clearance Certificate C.C.C. charges as imposed, despite of the advice we gave to you.

I want to personally assure you once again that you will have every course to smile and be happy upon conclusion of this project, as we will continue monitoring all your services with them at all level as well as your correspondence, until you have received your Metal Trunk Box accordingly., we are here to protect your interest and that is the reason why we are doing all we can to make sure all goes well, this is a huge amount of money which we don’t wish for you to lose. We understand that the imposed fee might be too much for you to pay so to further make things easier for you, we have discussed with the U.S Custom Authority at (JFK) John F. Kennedy International Airport New York pleaded on your behalf for them to give you the grace of sending half of the charges which will be only $130 for now after which the Diplomatic Agent deliver your consignment trunk box to you then once you receive your fund, you can then pay the remaining balance of $250.

All we want you to do right now is to send half of the money with the name listed below so we can forward it to Fort Wayne Indiana Customs authority to help us obtain the Custom Clearance Certificate C. C.C. and the diplomat will make the delivery to your home address tomorrow morning.

Description of Your Consignment box to be delivered:


Size:……/ 2:1 CM.


Colour:…..BROWN BOX

Registration NO: #98952457

Serial #1256784315

Pin number…2254

HERE IS THE PICTURE OF YOUR TRUNK CONSIGNMENT BOX: Contact us right away and let me know when you will send half of the charges as we discussed with them to enable them to route your fund to you with immediate effect. This is a lifetime opportunity and we will advise you to take advantage of it, before it will become too late to do so.

Receiver’s Data / information: via Western Union Money Gram and Ria Money transfer allow to send it down to the United State of America to obtain the needed papers work to complete the delivery.

Receivers name:::::: Duaine Crumpacker

Address::::;; 11425 minnich road

City:::::::::Fort Wayne Indiana 46816

Question: How LONG

Answer: HOUR

Amount::: $130.00

Sender s Name


Also be informed that we came to an agreement with the U.S Custom Authority at (JFK) John F. Kennedy International Airport New York that you will be sending half of the fee, at latest before the end of tomorrow so please we will advise that you send the fee right away because if you fail to do that, then they will have no other choice than to release your fund to Mrs Lisa Robert who is ready to work with them, and that am sure will be a very great loss to you as we will not be able to help you then, hence your fund will be lost forever. This is an official notification and we advise you treat it with utmost urgency, in your best interest. God bless you!

Yours in service Mr ibrahim lamorde,

(EFCC) DIRECTOR, Economic and Financial Crimes Commission

Address: 15A, Awolowo Rd, Cotonuew”

Now that you’ve got the idea of how these emails sound like, let’s take a look at how scammers operate. In order to release the funds, they say they need your help. You will be provided with an attorney’s number or somebody who will apparently take care of the whole process in that foreign country and you are supposed to call him, to arrange the details.

To start the process, the lawyer will ask you to pay a few ‘small fees’, say $300. Unfortunately, many victims usually pay knowing that they will get a good chunk of the money/inheritance later on. Of course, that never happens.


How to avoid:

This scam is as old as the Internet. Never fall for a request for help in getting money out of a foreign country. The scammers know that a large proportion of the people they contract through e-mail or Facebook messages are not knowledgeable enough to recognize that this is just a scam.


How to report:

Make your family and friends aware of this scam by sharing it on social media using the buttons provided. You can also officially report the scammers to the Federal Trade Commission using the link below:

Report Scammers To The FTC Here


How to protect yourself more:

If you want to be the first to find out the most notorious scams every week, feel free to subscribe to the Scam Detector newsletter here. You’ll receive periodical emails and we promise not to spam. Last but not least, use the Comments section below to expose other scammers.


Other related articles:

Inheritance/Next-of-kin Scam

identity theft protection


1. Top 5 Amazon Scams in 2024
2. Top 5 PayPal Scams in 2024
3. How To Spot a Scam Email in 2024
selma hrynchuk
Selma HrynchukSelma is a fraud prevention specialist renowned for her expertise in private eye investigations and a remarkable partnership with law enforcement agencies. Beyond her investigative triumphs, her public speaking engagements and written works have empowered countless individuals to protect themselves and stay ahead of deceptive schemes. Selma's legacy shines as a tenacious agent of change, unyielding in her commitment to battling fraud and ensuring a safer world for all.

36 thoughts on “Donation In Your Name Email”

  1. I received this email:

    We have been trying to reach you…

    Your E-mail is selected for a Donation of $3,500,000.00 from the Maria Franca Fissolo FOUNDATION. Please get back to [email protected] for claims.

  2. I received this along with an attachment of the lady’s drivers license it looked too good to be true……
    From The Office Of Mr William Buchwald
    Address:160 East 300 South 3rd Floor
    Salt Lake City, UT 84114.
    Direct phone: ‪(540) 987-0277‬

    This to inform you that i have been ordered by my client Mrs Michelle Faye to contact you in regards to the donation of $usd1,500,000.00 she wanted to give to you in her account with the Valuation Ascension Credit Union Bank.

    I will like to apologize for the delay in getting in touch with you, Meanwhile you are to return back to my office immediately and let me know how you wish to receive your funds of One Milion Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars if either by a Certified check, ATM Card delivered to you or by Bank to bank wire transfer so i can give your further instruction to complete the receiving of your funds safe to you.

    Upon receipt of your response, I will start taking the next necessary procedural steps prior to the routing of your funds to you accordingly.

    Thank you once again for your anticipated cooperation in advance while i await your urgent response.

    Best Regards
    William Buchwald.

  3. Here is what i have got, from the famous Bloomberg lol – beware:
    Good Day,
    I am Michael R. Bloomberg an American businessman, politician, author, and philanthropist. I am the founder, CEO, and owner of Bloomberg L.P, and the founder of Bloomberg Philanthropies. I have also served as the 108th Mayor of New York City in New York State of the United States of America.
    Your email was obtained from a web log and I felt strongly about writing to you and I appreciate you for writing back as I have expected. The intention of reaching out to you is to be of great financial blessing to you, because at my age i cannot continue to amass so much wealth without giving back to the society which is the sole purpose why i founded the Bloomberg Philanthropies in 2004 and became a member of The Giving Pledge, a campaign to encourage wealthy people to contribute a majority of their wealth to philanthropic causes.
    Bloomberg Philanthropies was established as a formal means of helping to improve the lives of mankind through charitable giving. Bloomberg Philanthropies focuses its resources on five areas: the environment, public health, the arts, government innovation and education. This time myself and the CEO of Bloomberg Philanthropies ( Patricia Harris ) have decided to give cash donations to individuals and private entities.
    Therefore today I have decided to give you the sum of ($2,900,000.00 USD), all you have to do is follow the required procedure to claim it. I am doing this now as a form of charity to mankind and it is my hope that you are able to receive this money and probably help others from it too so that many can benefit from it. The COVID-19 pandemic marks an unprecedented time in modern history that requires the best of humanity to overcome a challenge I will not shy away from.
    It was my CEO’s idea to give out cash donations to individuals deeply rooted in local communities and since then we have been making private deposits which has resulted in a huge amount within a short period of time.
    I am glad I am able to give this Two point Nine million U.S Dollars to you because I am certain some other people will benefit from it directly or indirectly.
    Now, all that been said, if you know you are ready to receive the ($2,900,000.00 USD) Kindly introduce yourself to me in the format below:
    Full Names:
    Contact Address:
    Phone Number:
    After receiving your personal details as I have requested above, I shall then give you a letter which you will use to claim and receive the funds that have been donated to you from the processing bank. This is my personal money so it does not need too many formal procedures to claim the funds, some beneficiaries have received theirs while others are in the process.
    My only term is that you be good to others.
    Kind Regards,
    Michael Rubens Bloomberg & Harris Patricia
    Bloomberg philanthropies

  4. Francisco Miguel M. Santoro <[email protected]>Aug 23, 2020, 5:13 PM

    Your Email Account was selected for a Donation of $2,500,000.00. Contact us for more info Via email:  [email protected]

    Esta mensagem, incluindo qualquer anexo, é destinada exclusivamente para a(s) pessoa(s) a quem é dirigida, podendo conter informação confidencial e/ou legalmente protegida. Se você não for o destinatário desta mensagem, por favor, não divulgue, copie, distribua, examine ou, de qualquer forma, utilize a informação aqui contida, por ser ilegal. Caso você tenha recebido esta mensagem por engano, pedimos que nos retorne este e-mail, e elimine seu conteúdo em sua base de dados, registros ou sistema de controle.

    This message, including any attachment, is intended exclusively for the person(s) to whom it is addressed, and may contain confidential and / or legally protected information. If you are not the recipient of this message, please do not disclose, copy, distribute, examine or, in any way, use the information contained herein, as it is illegal. If you have received this message in error, we ask that you return this email to us and delete your content in your database, records or control system.

  5. Gayle Elizabeth Paquette

    received one today from Gayle Elizabeth Paquette.
    “A special donation was made to you and your family. Contact ([email protected]) for details…
    Please Note: This is the third time we have been trying to contact you.
    Best Regards”

  6. My name is Ned Staebler. Live at 2030 Hill Road Ann Arbor Michigan 48104. 734-395-9403. Please send me cards and texts of sweet sweet nothings. I do like being the catcher. Or emails or any love letters really
    [email protected]


    And here is more on the scam I just sent:

    Your details were sent to us by Ma. CHARLLOTE FLORES as her relative to inherit her late husband’s cash deposit in a secured Trunk Save Box in our Security Vaults department as her foreign Partner and new beneficiary.

    Our Legal firm has been mandated to process her request on your behalf in case you cannot come here in person. Having secured the power of attorney, we shall give you the best of our services and advise.

    This legal Department has applied for an affidavit of oath and change of beneficiary ownership in your name to back the release of the deposit so that you receive it through bank to bank transfer or Diplomatic Courier Cash Delivery to your doorstep. This is because the deposit is already in a save trunk in our bank security vaults for dispatching. This process will be faster.

    Secondly, With the details you provided, we will process the affidavit to legalize the process in order for you to receive the funds as soon as possible. We will get back to you shortly.

    Thanks for your cooperation and prompt response to serve you better.
    Yours faithfully,

    Legal Adviser to F.C.B.T.C
    First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company
    239 Fayetteville Street
    Raleigh, NC 27601
    Legal Trust Services
    [email protected]                                              
    Here’s the email address of Mrs.Flores 

    Address not found
    Your message wasn’t delivered to [email protected] because the address couldn’t be found, or is unable to receive mail.
    Show quoted text


    Here is what i got:

    Greetings to you in the name of our heavenly God as you consider my cry for assistance as a Virtuous Catholic woman and a follow Senior citizen.Please, consider my message as divine and accept it with a deep sense of humility.

    I’m in a hospital now where I have been undergoing treatment to brief you.I was found positive for the Covid 19 virus.I am contacting you on my sick bed where I was being Isolated.

    I am a Retired Social Worker.I would like you to take this opportunity and work with my organization as a social worker and be the beneficiary of my donation in your region/province being my late husband’s country. My late Filipino husband who was an importer/exporter of textiles and home furniture deposited SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS for safekeeping in a leading Finance Firm here in USA for foreign investment in abroad and he did not put any beneficiary or leave anyone else to be contacted as his relatives.

    Sad to say that we did not have any child in our many years of Marriage.My late husband’s extended family member in the Philippines was wiped out due to the Typhoon and earthquake that happened some time ago.May their souls rest in perfect peace .

    I want you to donate the deposited fund to you as Charity to reach the motherless, less privileged, the sick that have nobody to take care of them, the poor, widows ,displaced and Corona virus patients.

    Your participation is voluntary to serve humanity at this global economic crisis due to CoronaVirus pandemic.The bank attorney has written on my sick bed and asked me to present the beneficiary or any of my late husband foreign partner to claim the fund.I may lose the fund to the bank officials if I cannot present anyone and the Finance Company may share it among themselves .

    You will receive the Fund VIA BANK TRANSFER if you can provide any bank account OR NGO CARGO CASH DELIVERY to your doorstep hence the deposited fund is in a Secured Save Box.

    I assure you that, there is no risk of any sort.Please reply as soon as you can do it with me for more details.I will attach the proof in my next message to you.I will pay the service charge of the attorney here and the processing fee to legalize this transaction.

    May the good Lord bless you and your family


    Ma Charllote Flores   
    Age-60 years 
    Retired International Social Work
    Devoted Catholic Mother       

    On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 1:03 PM Amie Mimo <[email protected]> wrote: Address not foundYour message wasn’t delivered to [email protected]because the address couldn’t be found, or is unable to receive mail.LEARN MOREThe response was:
    550 5.2.1 The email account that you tried to reach is disabled. Learn more at 8sor2628106lfo.0 – gsmtp
    Show quoted text

  9. ANOTHER SCAM**************
    Please forgive me for stressing you with my predicaments and I sorry to approach you through this media it is because it serves the fastest means of communication. I came across your E-mail from my personal search and I decided to contact you believing you will be honest to fulfill my final wish before I die.
    I am Mrs. Elizabeth Edward, 63 years, from USA, I am childless and I am suffering from a pro-long critical cancer, my doctors confirmed I may not live beyond two months from now as my ill health has defiled all forms of medical treatment.
    Since my days are numbered, I’ve decided willingly to fulfill my long-time promise to donate you the sum ($ million dollars I inherited from my late husband Mr. Edward Herbart, foreign bank account over years. I need a very honest person who can assist in transfer of this money to his or her account and use the funds for charities work of God while you use 50% for yourself. I want you to know there are no risk involved, it is 100% hitch free & safe. If you will be interesting to assist in getting this fund into your account for charity project to fulfill my promise before I die please let me know immediately. I will appreciate your utmost confidentiality as I wait for your reply.
    Best Regards
    Mrs. Elizabeth Edward

  10. Usual scam but if it helps anyone avoid clicking links in it or providing scammers with any personal information it’s worth posting here. The email came from: Russell, Eric C – the email address was: [email protected] – subject was: ‘RE: GIFT A donation is made to you by Mr. François Pinault’ and "A donation is made to you by Mr. François Pinault" was the text in the body of the email – asks you to reply to an email address ([email protected]) that is also the link. Needless to say I did not bother to click the link or reply!

  11. Hi i had also received an email from brittany charitable foundation same issue like ivy…the same addresses and even when you check in google its showing the brittany charitable foundation or organization and i tried to email if is it legit.then exactly the same email add reply in my come to allowed a scammers to operated a website which is fake.hope to catch this scammers.

  12. Here is what i received to day, beware of this scam from a fake Robert Bailey:

    Dear Friend,

    I got your response and I like you to know that this is not a hoax because we did a personal search for the people we contacted. Your contact was submitted to me by Google Management Team and you received this email because I have shortlisted you as one of the lucky recipients. I and my family are grateful to God for this fortune and i thank him so much for the smiles he has put on our faces, so in turn I have decided to put smiles on the faces of other people.

    You see God works in miraculous ways, You may be wondering why you received the email, i know this is funny to you right?,I check my ticket online after the drawing and was in shock at what I saw, I said to myself these look like my numbers I tried to remain calm and didn’t sleep the rest of the night, I know you would be wondering in your heart and mind if this is for real but don’t panic it is well.

    To verify you can visit

    This is a life time opportunity and 100% legitimate, I have decided to make sure this is put on the Internet for the world to see, I am not getting any younger You see after taken care of the needs of my immediate family members, I decided to donate the remaining of the million (USD) to other individuals around the world in need, the local fire department, the Red Cross, Haiti, hospitals in Truro where Ricky my Son underwent his cancer treatment, and some other organizations in Asia and Europe that fight cancer, Alzheimer’s and diabetes and the bulk of the funds deposited with Halifax, the payout bank of this charity donation scheme. We have kept just 40% of the entire lottery sum to our self for the raining day.

    You don’t have to be skeptic about this as this is not a scam, it is absolutely a blessing from God, I believe i am doing the right thing in deciding to put smiles on the faces of other people by reaching out to some individuals, the less privileged ones and charity organizations too.

    To facilitate the disbursement process of the funds $ USD has been solely donated to you, please send us your contact address and a valid identification of your self and phone number, so that we can forward your details over to the payout bank immediately, We are hoping that you will be able to use the money wisely and judiciously over there, We will employ you to do what you can to alleviate the level of poverty in your region and also try to enhance the standard of living of as many people as you can because that is the only objective of donating this money to you in the first place.

    In view of all these, I want you to know that measures have been put in places for my intentions to be implemented swiftly and by so doing, I request that you re-confirm your details once again so that I can immediately forward your information’s to our pay-out bank.

    Full Names:
    Contact/resident Address:
    Phone Number:

    Please be aware that I do not need your information for any other purpose, I only need these information because I need to have a correct record of who I am dealing with so as to establish a better relationship with you.

    We anticipate your earliest response.

    Robert Bailey

  13. Just received this scam email:
    Subject: Good News for You
    A donation was made to you by Mr François Pinault Contact Via Email : [email protected] More Details.

    The email for "more details" is a variation of one used in earlier/other scams. The email came to me from "LIU, Pike <[email protected]>". APL is apparently a legitimate shipping firm in China, and Mr. Liu is listed as an employee. I am pretty sure Mr. Liu is unaware that his email is being used in this scam.

  14. I have been contacted initially by an person called Mr Andrew Forrest which was the main donor and the 2nd person was Mr Anthony Sluiter which was the intermediary men and apparently the financial executive of the Australian G&C Mutual bank and I’ve got several emails send respectively from . The scam involved another intermediary bank which was Turkish Finance and the beneficiary would be a person called Mr Chibuike Beneth Onuoha . I’ve almost fell for this well elaborated scam , but something didn’t felt right and I made a research online and came across your site and that’s when it clicked and thank god I didn’t send any money ! Here is the scammer’s email:

    My name is Andrew Forrest. I’m a philanthropist from Australia. I always had the idea that success should be used to help each other. I’m on a yearly mission to aid reputable individuals worldwide, as I believe in ‘giving while living.’ My wife and I have selected you to receive this year’s donation sum.
    Kindly acknowledge this message and I will get back to you with more details.
    Read more about my philanthropy:

    And then below is the email where I was given a PDF receipt to acknowledge my bank details
    and that the funds where ready to be credited into my account after paying a fee ! From a fake Anthony Sluiter:

    Dear [my full name],
    The total sum which was from Mr. Andrew Forrest was successfully effected today through our intermediary bank in Europe to your bank account information provided.

    In accordance to International Banking Regulations and Policies of large funds transfer from our intermediary bank, your bank account will be credited with the total amount within two/three (2-3) business days from today, after our bank is in receipt of your funds transfer commission.

    NOTE: Current status of funds transfer is "COMPLETE", but be earlier informed that your transferred funds cannot reflect or be credited in your bank account until the intermediary bank receives your funds transfer fee.
    In accordance with the our intermediary bank Securities and Stock Market State Commission, the regulator of all providers of financial services, the funds transfer charge is 0.05% of the transfer sum =$2,375.00 USD.

    Kindly get back to this office for instructions on how you can make your fund transfer commission available to the the intermediary bank’s office.
    Herewith, attached is the Telex/receipt of your funds transfer.

    We sincerely apologize for the inconveniences.
    While we await your response thank you for your time and urgent attention to these vital request as we are committed in delivering high quality banking services to suit your needs.
    Thank You for banking with G&C Mutual Bank.

    Anthony Sluiter.
    24 Hours Services.
    G&C Mutual Bank.

  15. do u not think this is a bit horrible to semd out to people who are disabled and need money no one will just give u all that money im not stupid.

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

    ——– Original message ——–

    From: David & Donna Stickley <[email protected]>

    Date: 02/02/2019 23:52 (GMT+00:00)

    To: Recipients <[email protected]>

    Subject: I have a donation for you

    I and my wife have a donation of £950,000.00 GBP for you, reply back for more details
    Personal E-mail: [email protected]
    Alternative Email: [email protected]

  16. This morning I have received the following email from Tayeb Souami <[email protected]>

    Hello, I’m Tayeb Souami, you have a donation of $ 3,600,000. I won the Powerball lottery worth $ 315.3 million on May 19, 2018. Your email came out victorious. Contact me urgently for claims

  17. Beware of a Facebook profile called Sizanie Pierre, from Martinique. She says she wants to give away 15,000 euro, cause her doctor told her she only has a few days to live. lol

  18. Donna L Muller

    You wouldn’t believe how many scam emails I get daily, and the different varieties from different people, FBI, Homeland Security, CIA, Janet Yellen, I even put it on my local news station to warn other people

  19. Eduardo Sacramento

    I have received this email this mmorning:

    I’m Mrs. Mavis Wanczyk the mega winner of $758 Million in Mega Millions Jackpot, I’m donating to 5 random individuals if you get this email then your email [email protected] was selected after a spin ball. I have spread most of my wealth over a number of charities and organizations. I have voluntarily decided to donate the sum of $2 Million USD to you as one of the selected 5, to verify my winnings please see my you tube page below.



    Hope to make you and your family happy.

    Mrs. Mavis L. Wanczyk

  20. I’ve got this message in my email

    Hello Dear

    Calvary Greetings , Good day and compliments of the seasons, i know this letter will definitely come to you as a huge surprise, but I implore you to take the time to go through it carefully as the decision you make will go off a long way to determine my future and continued existence. I am Mr. Peter Fuller former US Military aging widow of 51 years old suffering from long time illness cancer which doctor has confirmed that I will soon give up, I have some funds I inherited from my job, the sum of (3.5 Million Dollars) deposited in security company in Spain as a family treasure in a consignment,and I needed a very honest and God fearing who can withdraw this money then use the funds for Charity works. I WISH TO GIVE THESE FUNDS TO YOU FOR CHARITY WORKS. I found your contact through this media to a helper and i decided to contact you if you may be willing and interested to handle these trust funds in good faith before anything happens to me.

    I accept this decision because I do not have any child who will inherit this money after I die. I want your urgent reply to me so that I will give you the deposit receipt which the security company issued to me as next of kin for immediate transfer of the money to your your country, to start the good work, I want you to use the 40/percent of the total amount to help yourself in doing the project. I am desperately in keen need of assistance and I have summoned up courage to contact you for this task, you must not fail me and the millions of the poor people in our today’s WORLD. This is no stolen money and there are no dangers involved 100% RISK FREE with full legal proof. Please if you would be able to use the funds for the
    Charity works kindly let me know immediately. I will appreciate your utmost confidentiality and trust in this matter to accomplish my heart desire, as I don’t want anything that will jeopardize my last wish. Please Kindly respond quickly for further details

    God Bless you
    Mr. Peter Fuller

  21. Here is what I received:

    Attn Dear,

    I am Mrs. Jennifer Njiofor, the Chair holder in charge of Treasury
    Department, International wire transfers of Benin Republic Federal
    Ministry of Finance. You are to reply through this my official email
    address ([email protected]) because this is to inform you that
    your fund was brought to my desk because the director & management of
    the WESTERN UNION & MONEY GRAM transfer have declared to divert your
    fund to the government treasury account just because you can not pay
    the wire transfer fee. In reasoning wisely to this complain I told
    them to wait until I hear from you so that I will know the reason why
    you decide to reject such amount of money $3.5Million USD which is
    your rightful & legal overdue inheritance payment just because of
    transfer fee.

    The reason why I sent this email to you is because its your right and
    for this reason you still have this last chance to claim your fund if
    you can send $145.00 USD today because I have already arranged your
    wires ready for its daily wires to you but failing to do this, I will
    allow them to have power over your fund and I am very sorry if you
    failed as this is the last chance.

    Therefore, send the $145.00 USD immediately you receive this email
    today and email your full name and address to me if you want your
    $3.5Million USD be send to you by western union OR Money gram transfer
    but the maximum amount officially allow for it per day wire to you is
    $8,500.00 USD per day until you receive your complete $3.5Million USD
    from here. The second option is for you to send me the full detail of
    your bank account if you want your fund to be fully transfer by direct
    bank to bank wire transfer to your account at once. After you have
    sent the $145.00 and email me the MTCN numbers, you are to indicate
    your wish to receive your funds as I have stated above and the funds
    will be released to you without any hitch.

    Here is the western union or money gram information in the name of my
    accountant to avoid delay in receiving your fund and remember that I
    have done my best for you and I will make sure that your wire will
    begin to be released to you from the moment you sent this $145.00.

    Send the $145.00 now and send me email with the western union MTCN or
    money gram reference numbers when you send the money , you can as well
    call me on this number +229-98526544 when you have sent the money now
    okay .

    RECEIVER NAME:…..Mr Emma Obalim
    CITY :…………. COTONOU .
    AMOUNT :……….. $145.00USD

    Send it and email the MTCN control number, amount sent, name and
    address of sender to me for easy collection and once again remember to
    reply through this my official email address: [email protected]
    Mrs. Jennifer Njiofor
    Treasury Department, International Wire Transfers,
    Federal Ministry of Finance Benin Republic.
    Telephone: +229-98526544

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