Car Accident Lawyer in Fort Lauderdale


Car Accident Lawyer in Fort Lauderdale: How the Scams Work

Many types of insurance claims have been reported lately in Fort Lauderdale – and the rest of Florida, for that matter – most of them referring in 2019 to accidents or personal injury. However, the number of scammers is continuously growing, while deceptive practices are being pulled from staged accidents to insurance money. FLPD has been also keeping an eye on the situation but admits that it's almost impossible to catch all the culprits.

A car accident compensation claim is a critical action so looking for injury claim lawyers could have a double edged sword for everyone. Not to mention that you have to go to the fierce war with your insurance company when something unexpected happens.

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Below are four common fraud examples of accident injury compensation claims in Fort Lauderdale:


Scenario 1: Swoop and Squat 

Watch the video below to see in action the Swoop and Squat scam:

'Swoop and Squat' Scam Video


This variation is usually known as the "Swoop and Squat" case. Let's say you are on Las Olas Boulevard. A car ('the scoop') purposely speeds up and cuts you off by a few inches and stop. Since you are unable to stop in time, you rear-end the scammer's car. Before you even realize it, three or four people come out of the 'swoop' car, claiming some sort of injury and proceed with making a car accident injury claim. What does that mean? You are out of luck. You now need a good car accident attorney in Fort Lauderdale.

The case is not new as it has a long history. It is said that in the '80s immigrant people of Hispanic background (it's Florida, so plenty of them) were recruited to be part of the scam, as claimers. However, it is stated as a fact that the 'Swoop and squat' scam went wrong numerous times, taking the lives of innocent people.

car accident lawyer in fort lauderdale


Scenario 2: Insurance 

Watch the video below to see in action the Insurance scam caught on camera:

Insurance Scam Claims Caught on Camera


Let's explain. Say you are on Andrews Avenue. As you drive into a busy intersection or street with merging traffic lanes where you might not have the right to be the first, the scammer might invite you to do it anyway. As you think 'what a nice guy', he/she hits you on purpose.

The crook will claim that he/she was supposed to get in first and fill the insurance papers with confidence. Several injury claim lawyers in Fort Lauderdale have this case on their desks every day, as it seems to happen very often nowadays.

Scenario 3: Tow Truck Referrer

This scam typically happens when real accidents happen whether in Fort Lauderdale or not. Some tow truck drivers take commissions from certain auto body shops or even doctors, chiropractors, or physiotherapists to 'highly recommend' them on the spot to the victims of the accident. These, in turn, will submit fraudulent claims on the victim's behalf or deceive the victim into undergoing unnecessary treatments or lawsuits.

As the victims are still in shock and the tow truck drivers have some authority, the recommendations are always followed by visits to the places 'suggested' in Fort Lauderdale. We have nothing against good referrals, but what happens here?

Some questionable mechanics will charge you an arm and a leg for a job that should probably cost you not even half – so guess what? The tow truck driver's commission comes from your pocket.

Scenario 4: Sideswipe

This scam could happen in a double lane turn, where people typically cut a little bit inside, driving over the line. Criminals target cars that slightly come into their lane and hit them instantly. As they claim innocence, they also submit personal injury claims to companies here in Florida.

This intentional collision is also known as the 'Sideswipe'. Road accident claims occur all the time, but be very careful about how you drive your car at all times.

Claim Scams in Fort Lauderdale: How To Report

There are many ways to avoid all of the examples above. Always keep enough distance from the driver in front of you or the one beside you. You should know this already, but drive slower in intersections and always stay in your lane, especially in the double lane turns. Make sure to respect the traffic rules and let the ones who should go first go. Fort Lauderdale has some crazy traffic at times.

In the case of a real accident, use your cell phone to take a lot of pictures of the other car to make sure the damage matches the story that the other driver puts on his/her insurance claim. Anything else?

Last but not least, when it comes to recommendations of mechanics or doctors, always rely on trustworthy people you know.

Injury claim lawyers are costly not only in Fort Lauderdale, so every car accident compensation claim might take you to the cleaners, although you may not be at fault. Be careful how you drive.


How To Report The Claim Scams

Make your family and friends aware of the Car Accident Lawer in Fort Lauderdale scam by sharing it on social media using the buttons provided. You can also officially report the scammers to the Federal Trade Commission using the link below:

Report To The FTC Here


How To Protect Yourself More:

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selma hrynchuk
Selma HrynchukSelma is a fraud prevention specialist renowned for her expertise in private eye investigations and a remarkable partnership with law enforcement agencies. Beyond her investigative triumphs, her public speaking engagements and written works have empowered countless individuals to protect themselves and stay ahead of deceptive schemes. Selma's legacy shines as a tenacious agent of change, unyielding in her commitment to battling fraud and ensuring a safer world for all.

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