Acai Berry Scam: How to Avoid
The Acai Berry Scam is back with a new twist. It preys on people's despair to lose some weight by trying new products that are promised to be the new 'miracle cure'. It's that time of the year again, so beware. How does the scam work?
Watch the video below to see the Acai Berry Scam exposed on ABC:
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Let's imagine this scenario:
The incredibly fit 50-year-old at your gym spends half his workout talking about the fantastic properties of açai berry juice. You're interested, and you know you've seen ads for it before, but you can't think of when.
Then one day, you're cruising the social media sites, and you see it – açai juice! And you're in luck – this ad comes as a promotion! The first bottle free. Lose weight, feel healthier – "I'd be a sucker not to do it," you think.
You sign up for the promotion and type in your credit card information. A week later, you get the juice. You try it out; it's okay. You get on with your life. A couple of months later, you notice a hefty charge on your credit card: $100 for a "subscription fee" for a free bottle of juice.
You try to get a hold of them; they don't take your calls. And then as you're re-reading the fine print, you notice that it does mention the charges. That makes it even harder to cancel. You end up spending four times as much money compared to just buying from a legitimate seller.
However, there are some other variations of the scam: sometimes, the product is diluted with cheap juices. Other times, it comes as a liquid pill soaked in preservatives. FYI, the best way to maintain the antioxidant properties is to freeze it.
Acai Berry Scam: How to Avoid
There are numerous health food stores in your city. Go into one and buy the acai, rather than ordering from a questionable business on the internet. It may be a little more expensive, but at least you know what you're getting.
It also applies for any other miracle products, such as the 'skinny coffee'.
Acai Berry Scam: How To Report
Warn your family and friends about the Acai Berry Scam by sharing it on social media using the buttons provided. You can also officially report the scammers to the Federal Trade Commission using the link below:
How To Protect Yourself More
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Same thing happens with a company called Garcinia Cabogia Elite, to burn fat quicker. They say things like:
"free sample"
"All you pay for is shipping"
What sounded like a small shipping fee turned into a $95 charge on the credit card!
Avoid them at all costs!