Scam detector validator

Is Legit?

Is a scam? Our low trust score leans toward "yes." Our in-depth review is based on 53 powerful factors we aggregated to expose high-risk activity and see if is a scam. Let's look at it and its industry. You'll also learn how to detect and block scam websites and what you can do if you already lost your money.

The Scam Detector’s algorithm gives this business the following rank:


After you read why we gave such a low score, please tell us if you've had a bad experience with this website in the comments below.

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Trust index -

What Is Company Overview

  • Domain Creation Date

    Not Found

  • Domain Blacklist Status

    Not detected by any blacklist engine

  • HTTPS Connection

    Valid HTTPS Found

  • Proximity to Suspicious Websites


The's business is associated with a popular industry. But is it just a façade? We tried to extract some content from the website to see what they say about themselves. Here's the conclusion:

Fisioterapia Madrid. Clínica de fisioterapia en Retiro. Abierto de Lunes a Domingo de 9h a 21h. Si busca fisioterapeuta pida cita ahora!

Below, we delve more into what we found out about Technical Analysis

Key Facts

Domain age
Less than a month

Company Data

Website Data


SSL certificate valid

SSL issuer
Google Trust Services



Technical Contact




Register website


Phone Review

The Scam Detector website Validator gives one of the lowest trust scores on the platform: 13.9. It signals that the business could be defined by the following tags: Untrustworthy. Risky. Danger.. We are confident about our score as we also partner with other high-tech, fraud-prevention companies that found the same issues. So, why this low score? We came up with the 13.9 score based on 53 aggregated factors relevant to's industry. The algorithm detected high-risk activity related to phishing, spamming, and other factors noted in the Untrustworthy. Risky. Danger. tags above. Long story short, we recommend staying away from this website. But let's explain in more detail.

Explaining Our Analytical Approach

We've displayed some important information within the Company Details section above, each deserving more explanation:

  • Proximity to Suspicious Websites
  • Threat Profile
  • Phishing Profile
  • Malware Score
  • Spam Score
  • Domain Blacklist Status
  • HTTPS connection
  • Domain Creation Date

While some are self-explanatory concerning, let's look closer at the remaining ones.

Proximity to Potentially Harmful Websites

This metric gauges the connection, scored on a scale of 1 to 100, between and websites marked as suspicious. Elevated scores point to a stronger link with these questionable online destinations. It's worth noting that website owners might not always be aware of their site's proximity to these dubious platforms or servers. However, a "Proximity to Suspicious Websites" score surpassing 80 strongly indicates a high-risk website, while a score below 30 signifies a less-threatening site.

Risk Factors: Threat, Phishing, Malware, and Spam

These indicators reveal the vulnerabilities and elements embedded within the HTML code of They become especially pertinent if the website has received reports from internet users who've encountered unsolicited emails, ads, or messages related to the site. In the context of, our investigation continues working to pinpoint the specific category, but we welcome your insights in the comments below. A high Malware score generally implies the presence of suspicious code that might be unknowingly disseminated. Conversely, a high Spam score hints at a possibly spam-ridden email address associated with the business. Scores under 30 in both categories are reassuring, but any score surpassing this threshold should raise concerns. is a suspicious website, given all the risk factors and data numbers analyzed in this in-depth review. Share your experience in the comments.

Domain Blacklisting Status

This term indicates whether has landed on any online directories' blacklists and earned a suspicious tag.

Assessing HTTPS Connectivity

This section provides insight into whether boasts an 's' at the end of the 'HTTP' protocol listed in your browser's address bar. If the tab displays in green, consider it a positive sign.

Safe Check

We want our trust scores and reviews to be as accurate as possible so that you can protect yourself from online fraud. Our algorithm aggregates factors that efficiently analyze a company's website, in this case,

Online Reviews of

  • Trustpilot
  • Score: 3.0
Hoy 6 de Febrero a las 14:04 he tenido una llamada de 8 minutos con la señora que atendía el teléfono. Me he quedado francamente sorprendido del trato recibido. He llamado para entender lo que le explicó a mi madre el dia anterior (con mi madre en la misma llamada) y cuando le he dicho a mi madre que la señora nos estaba vendiendo un bono de varias sesiones la ha molestado que haya dicho que "nos esta vendiendo", la reacción ha sido monumental "a ver yo aqui no estoy vendiendo nada" "lo que les estoy informando es de las opciones que hay" " y ya me tome 10 minutos ayer para explicarle a su madre lo que les estoy volviendo a explica ahora" "y si quiere que le explique a usted no me llame con su madre en la linea" etc. Obviamente que la explique que mi madre tiene demencia leve y le cuesta acordarse. Ni ha ha cambiado el tono. El tono ha sido despótico, despectivo y subido de voz. Para colmo no hemos podido explicar nada, ya que al mismo tiempo que nosotros intentábamos hablar ella se estaba despidiéndose de los clientes en varias ocasiones interrumpiendo la conversación y al mismo tiempo cuando intentábamos hablar nos cortaba hablando ella. Ha sido una experiencia malísima. No nos ha dejado explicar nada. Era complicado entenderlo para mi madre porque si pagamos en metálico nos atienden en 2 dias y si vamos con el seguro nos atienden en un mes. La forma de adelantarlo era comprando un bono de sesiones hasta que pasábamos a las sesiones cubiertas por el seguro. En esta dsyuntiva al exopicar a mi madre delante de ella que "nos estaban vendiendo un bono de sesiones" la señora estallo porque la molesto que dijera "nos estan vendiendo". Pregunto yo que problema hay con la palabra "vender"? pero si yo llevo de comercial y director comercial 20 años. Nos hemos quedado de piedra y a no ser que nos pidan una disculpa no volvemos y tenemos la conversacion gravada, si tengo tiempo voy a la OCU.
Es uno de los mejores fisioterapeutas que encontré ya que fuí a muchos hace años por mis dolores de espalda. después de tratarme no volví a tener dolor de espalda, además es fantástico como profesional y como ser humano. Lo recomendaré a mucha gente.
Juan es un fisio estupendo y muy profesional. Tenia mucho dolor de espalda y me dio cita para el mismo día, me trató la espalda, me explicó unos ejercicios para hacer en casa y he mejorado mucho. Muy recomendable.
Me han recomendado a juan y la verdad es que estoy encantada, en tan solo 2 sesiones he notado mucha mejoría. Puntualidad y muy amable. Os lo recomiendo.
Me ha gustado el trato cercano y muy profesional. Un sitio agradable con profesionales que se nota que saben lo que hacen, a mi me ha funcionado muy bien y ya no tengo dolor. Repetiré si me vuelve a pasar.

Is a Scam? Share Your Experience

How did you find this company/page? Online ads, suspicious Facebook advertisements, Instagram, email? You can help out many people today by commenting below.. Is a scam? If you interacted with this website, what score would you give it? Please share your experience below by leaving a review. Now, let's look at some powerful fraud prevention tips.

Top 5 Effective Ways To Spot a Scam Website [VIDEO]

There are many types of fake sites in the online world. We have some good news. Watch the video below to see the 5 effective ways you can spot a fraudulent website in 2024:


How To Remove Your Information From the Internet

Whether you like it or not, unfortunately, the Internet has all your personal information stored. How did that happen? Every time you visit a simple site and accept cookies, consent to their forms, or download an app, unscrupulous data brokers collect not just your phone number, name, AND address. They also sell this to third parties, which creates a $1 billion industry a year. Your collected personal data is used by buyers to send you never-ending spam emails, targeted ads, and, of course, telemarketing calls. Crooks use all your data without remorse.


We can help. Many people have asked us about how to remove your personal information from the Internet. If you want your data deleted entirely from the online world, contact our official partners at Incogni immediately. This legitimate data privacy tool works on your behalf to officially require a ton of online brokers to remove your data.


Our staff verifies this service works and is trustworthy. It costs only $6.49/month but is worth the cost. U.S., UK, EU, Swiss, and Canadian residents only. Click below. button remove data online

How To Report Scams: FTC

Do you want to know how to report or other online scammers?Contact the Federal Trade Commission and fill out the form. You can also write down the names of suspicious sites or individuals in the comments section below. You will help thousands of potential victims.

How To Recognize Red Flags Online

Last but not least, here is another must-watch video you don't want to miss:


How To Protect Your Online Browsing From Installing Malware

We have two more powerful fraud prevention tools that you should know about. We've been asked over and over again about the most effective ways to stay safe online. After testing several fraud prevention products online, we could certainly say the winner is a browser extension called Guardio. It automatically blocks 100x more harmful websites than competitors and 10x more malicious downloads than any other security tool. It was tested and vetted by our Scam Detector team.


Guardio has over a million users, and while it is already affordable for the benefits it provides (just a few dollars a month), it covers up to 5 family members. For Scam Detector readers exclusively, Guardio offers a 20% discount this week. You can protect your online browsing from installing malware forever by clicking the button below: button remove data online

Fraud Related Articles

Here are more resources for you. Feel free to check out the educational articles below: Amazon Pallets For Sale: The Biggest Scam of the Year Cryptocurrency Scams: Complete List Crypto Scammed? We May Be Able To Help Recover Your Money Text Message Scams: Complete List Coinbase Text Scam How To Stop Robocalls Discord Scams: FULL LIST Telegram Scams: FULL LIST

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Are You the Owner of

If you own, we’d love to hear from you. If you'd like to challenge the trust score we’ve assigned, we’re happy to take a closer look. However, please be prepared to provide solid proof of your business's legitimacy. Introduce yourself with your name (not just "Admin").

When domain owners contact us to dispute their trust score, we kindly ask for the following:

* Business documentation that verifies your legitimacy (e.g., certificate of incorporation, business registration, or official records with the site or business name).

* Your personal LinkedIn profile and the business's social media accounts (e.g., Facebook).

* If available, proof of satisfied customers (e.g., screenshots, not just testimonials on your website), evidence of inventory, or records of handling order cancellations properly.

We’re more than willing to update your review based on the evidence you provide—the more proof, the higher your trust score. Please note, however, that we cannot verify non-operational websites or those redirected to other URLs. Additionally, we do not verify websites involved in high-risk financial services, gambling, adult content, or illegal activities.

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