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Is safe? This website is secure, scoring one of the highest scores on our chart. We put to work 53 powerful factors to expose high-risk activity and see if is trustworthy. Let's look at it and its EDUCATIONAL industry through an in-depth review. You'll also learn how to detect and block scam websites and what you can do if you ever lose your money.

The Scam Detector’s algorithm gives this business the following rank:


After you read why we scored as we did, please share how you came across this platform in the comments.

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What Is Company Overview

  • Domain Creation Date

    Tuesday 21st, March 2000 01:54 pm

  • Domain Blacklist Status

    Not detected by any blacklist engine

  • HTTPS Connection

    Valid HTTPS Found

The's business is associated with a popular EDUCATIONAL industry, and we determined the connection is valid. We extracted some content from the website to see what they say about themselves. Here's the conclusion:

W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more.

Read our trust score rationale and review of below. Technical Analysis

Key Facts

Domain age
24 years 9 months

Company Data

Identity Protection Service

On behalf of owner

PO Box 786



[email protected]


Website Data


SSL certificate valid

SSL issuer
Let's Encrypt

WHOIS registration date

WHOIS last update date

WHOIS renew date


On behalf of owner

Identity Protection Service

PO Box 786





Technical Contact

On behalf of owner

Identity Protection Service

PO Box 786





Amazon Registrar, Inc.


Register website,

[email protected]


Server Name




NS-769.AWSDNS-32.NET Review

The Scam Detector website Validator gives one of the higher trust scores on the platform: 89.8. It signals that the business is best defined by the following tags: Authentic. Trustworthy. Secure.. We are confident about our score as we also partner with other high-tech, fraud-prevention companies that found the same results. So, why this score? We came up with the 89.8 score based on 53 aggregated factors relevant to's industry. The algorithm detected little high-risk activity related to phishing, spamming, and other factors, as noted in the Authentic. Trustworthy. Secure. tags above. Long story short, we deem this a secure website. But let's explain in more detail.

Explaining Our Analytical Approach

We've displayed some important information within the Company Details section above, each deserving more explanation:

  • Proximity to Suspicious Websites
  • Threat Profile
  • Phishing Profile
  • Malware Score
  • Spam Score
  • Domain Blacklist Status
  • HTTPS connection
  • Domain Creation Date

While some are self-explanatory concerning, let's look closer at the remaining ones.

Proximity to Potentially Harmful Websites

This metric gauges the connection, scored on a scale of 1 to 100, between and websites marked as suspicious. Elevated scores point to a stronger link with these questionable online destinations. It's worth noting that website owners might not always be aware of their site's proximity to these dubious platforms or servers. However, a "Proximity to Suspicious Websites" score surpassing 80 strongly indicates a high-risk website, while a score below 30 signifies a less-threatening site.

Risk Factors: Threat, Phishing, Malware, and Spam

These indicators reveal the vulnerabilities and elements embedded within the HTML code of They become especially pertinent if the website has received reports from internet users who've encountered unsolicited emails, ads, or messages related to the site. In the context of, our investigation continues working to pinpoint the specific category, but we welcome your insights in the comments below. A high Malware score generally implies the presence of suspicious code that might be unknowingly disseminated. Conversely, a high Spam score hints at a possibly spam-ridden email address associated with the business. Scores under 30 in both categories are reassuring, but any score surpassing this threshold should raise concerns. is an authentic, safe website, given all the risk factors and data numbers analyzed in this in-depth review. Share your experience in the comments.

Domain Blacklisting Status

This term indicates whether has landed on any online directories' blacklists and earned a suspicious tag.

Assessing HTTPS Connectivity

This section provides insight into whether boasts an 's' at the end of the 'HTTP' protocol listed in your browser's address bar. If the tab displays in green, consider it a positive sign.

Safe Check

We want our trust scores and reviews to be as accurate as possible so that you can protect yourself from online fraud. Our algorithm aggregates factors that efficiently analyze a company's website, in this case,

Online Reviews of

  • Trustpilot
  • Score: 3.5
This w3shool looks like s….t , they get the money and don’t even respond back when you contact them , I bought the course and cannot even log in , I contact them tens of time they never answer , they are not different then scammers.
Good tutors and tutorials are rare. W3 is no. 1 for anyone writing code.
Overall good, code editor is not great. My biggest issue is that my account was closed and unable to access all my websites. Due to a violation? I wasn't given any specific reason. I copy and paste some content from other developers on Codepen, maybe there was something embedded? Well I will never know. Be very careful using W3 schools. Do not put all your eggs in 1 basket like me.
This is about the Pandas course. It said it would be about 4 hours and I would get a certificate at the end. I know a thing or 2 about database languages and the pandas course was a very big disappointment. Don't pay for it, just do it for free online.It took me about an hour, the "exam" was regurgitation via multiple choice.Nothing about merging or filtering data or doing any useful analysis. Very basic. I really regret paying.
The excel tutorial was mostly great, until you get to pivot tables. That section was clearly written by a drunk person. Beside the constant typos and sentence incoherence there are no examples on how to actually make and use a pivot table, it doesn't tell you where any of the menu options it points out are, it is bafflingly unclear about everything because drunk typing, it doesn't give you a sheet to copy and practice making on your own like every other lesson - This was the tutorial I was waiting to get to and W3schools completely blew it. Does anyone double check this crap before they upload it? Apparently not. Don't give these people money, or clicks.
i tried many of them,even codecademy,which should be one of the best,bah is one of the worst,sometimes it asks you stuff that you don't even know,explains like s**t,the worst one probably,since i meet w3schoools,damn man...this site...this site is the one,is soo simple,soo nice simpleeeeeee :3,the best of the best,and it gives you soo much information for free,and also excercises like quiz,not like codecademy that you have to pay to do some small ass quizes,f***k that s**t,, w3 love your site good job
when i first started learning programming, my first choice was tutsinsider, but later i found w3schools, which contains really amazing list of coding tutorials. Now i like both these websites for leaening new web technologies.
One of the best sites for learn programming , also w3 resource have much Exercises and practice.It's all free and really nice sorted , there are no much advances stuff, but for beginners and someone who start learn any language is the best place to start
I signed up to a paid SQL course. The sequence of lessons was good, there were comments not just syntax instructions, and examples were always shown. There's a couple of reasons I probably won't use it again, though. The main problem I had was that the tool to try out your code wasn't working in any browers. A pretty fundamental problem! Seems it was to do with MySQL, deprecation, something. When I raised it with them they said 'thanks for your feedback, we've passed it on', like I'd made a suggestion for future improvement, not reported a significant component as broken. Also, I still don't understand the difference between the paid 'course' that I did and the free tutorials, because the naming of everything is so confusing. Finally, there was this out-of-place section about code injection and the like, which referred to much more advanced code and wasn't at all easy to understand. I'll probably try Codeacademy next time.
Almost 100 bucks for a certificate nobody cares about is way too much.The php-tutorial is bad. The questions are redundant and too easy.
One of the best sites for learn programming , also w3 resource have much Exercises and practice.It's all free and really nice sorted , there are no much advances stuff, but for beginners and someone who start learn any language is the best place to startThank You So Much W3School <3
Its like soooo good with the website coder and i learned alot for HTML and other coding languages i really love coding websites and watch them workQuote. "Somethings are though but if you work for it you can do it!" aka Belive in yourself
I suggest this site for anyone who's looking for tutorials in programming and web development. I'm very thankful for this site in my college days because when i don't understand a particular lesson in our class i just do some research in this site. Keep It Up !
As a designer, my main focus is designing for print, and designing visuals for the web. But more and more clients are expecting to contract designers with excellent web coding skills. Currently I cannot afford to take extra classes to expand my web skills, so a friend recommended this website. It's SO helpful! The information is presented in an easy to learn, engaging way that helps you actually master the skills, as opposed to simply skimming through for what you need and leaving. –– It's also a great alternative to expensive "pay to play" sites like (Lynda is still great, just not affordable for everyone) It lacks some of the extra perks, but it's definitely a must-use tool for anyone struggling to build their web coding skills. Not a negative thing to say!
w3schools is the best web development site for me and for beginners who are seeking to learn web development i have found that its easy to learn with such a site every thing is just right there and you just reach out and take it **ps the site need a few updates
Iam learning python programming language from this website. It is so much useful for me to understand and execute program's in my college.
One star is too much for this “school “.I bought a domain for 25$ through this site to be able work with along educational lessons. I tried to transfer my domain to another domain provider but it seems that they didn’t support or nobody can in this schools. It wasn’t to have support at all .They just can’t or won’t to transfer my domain name or nameserver to another.DON’T BUY any domain from this guy!It would be nightmare for you and lost of money
It's simply the best, you can find everything, you can learn everything, and especially, the test helped me during my exam to be sure I knew everything ! Keep up, and try to diversify also to other language please :)
Learning on the site is pretty good but I made the mistake of paying for a space. I wasn't impressed with the functionality and could have the same elsewhere for free. My advice is avoid paying on the site.
If you want to learn free it's good site for learning or practice the computer languages like HTML, CSS, JS .etc. but can't learn simply or basic React JS, Node JS etc easily
  • Sitejabber
  • Score: 4.1 stars

“Navigating the Web of Learning.”

W3Schools has established itself as a go-to platform for individuals seeking to enhance their web development skills. With a comprehensive array of tutorials, guides, and interactive exercises, W3Schools serves as a valuable resource for both beginners and experienced developers. Service Value Shipping Returns Quality

“I enroll python course in w3schools related”

It is a worth for learning python in w3schools not for python. For all other programming languages like web development, android development, desktop application development. It so knowledgeable to learn any courses in

“Very educating.”

The site is full of materials on various programming languages for dummies and can be a real helping hand if you`re not ready to pay for the course yet but want only surf through the info and decide where to progress next. I strongly recommend!

“Good site for learning”

W3Schools is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. While using this site, you agree to have read and accepted our terms of use, cookie and privacy policy. Service Value Shipping Returns Quality

“"Great source for learning"”

Well, to be honest, I am surprised with the tutorials on JavaScript, they are totally amazing! It is a wonderful and amazing free source available online to boost your skills especially web related skills.

“This is the most exhaustive reference for all things...”

This is the most exhaustive reference for all things web development! It should be considering these are the guys who decide what the whole browser language should be and act like. If it were not for this great resource I would be left in the lurch for many a problem I have face in writing good code. I hope they continue to progress with their schools program to educate more people in what is the language of more and more business these days. So if you are in the market for learning about all things web, then this is almost a one stop reference!

“Very bad source of learning.”

There are a lot of mistakes everywhere. It's just terrible! Not only typographic mistakes but also conceptual mistakes on the topic they are willing to convey to their public. It seems made by a group of fellow indians who have such low understanding of the tech that power the web. I think the creators are just copy pasting from official doc.

“I can tell you from experience that this is one of...”

I can tell you from experience that this is one of the best places to learn web programming. They have made it easy to learn buy giving you examples and also a place to try them out. I have taken many college level advanced programming classes and I would say that this website goes hand in hand with them. One of the best things is its free and you can teach yourself. They teach all the most common languages for web programming and do it in an easy to understand way. Just like anything else don't try to jump into PHP before you learn the basics like HTML or Java Scripting. The only reason I say that is that is that is the kind of thing that I have done in my life before I realized you have to start from the start. So give it a try and don't give up like any language it takes some time to learn in the begging but as you become more familiar with it, it becomes easy to build upon it.

“Fantastic learning resource”

Fantastic learning resource. If you want to be a web creator rather than just a surfer, w3schools will teach you how. Coding, scripting, html, xml, javascript, flash, more or less every web discipline is here and everything is free. Also a good place to get current OS, platform and browser usage statistics - when sites claim that this or that browser is becoming one of the most widely used, for example *cough chrome cough*.

“W3Schools is the heart for Web Developers”

W3Schools is the most helpful website in the world. The tutorials in w3schools is clearly understandable to the beginners. It helped me a lot,. And lot to learn Bootstrap, Angular js and more. Thank you so... so much W3Schools team to provide such a wonderful tutorials. No doubt W3Schools is the number one website in the world for learning Web development tutorials. No website can beat W3Schools. This is true.

“W3 schools is my favorite place to learn what web programmin...”

W3 schools is my favorite place to learn what web programming languages have to offer. Almost all of their docs (from HTML, jQuery, to Mysql) have an interactive 'example' to everything they document. I learn by experimentation, so this is perfect for me. I get to tweak their code to see what works and what doesn't before bringing it into my project.

“An awesome resource of learning for beginners who want...”

An awesome resource of learning for beginners who want to start from the basics of HTML, CSS, Javascript etc (these are the ones that were the most helpful for me, there are many more) and reach an advanced level. Best of all, it is FREE- no basic trial thing-pay-them-then-the real deal. Highly recommended for all! Two thumbs up!

“Wonderful source for learning”

Learned Java script, html, css, php fundamental and web page related all basic i have learnt and practiced using w2schools. I can say it is a wonderful and amazing free source available online to boost your skills especially web related skills.

“Love this site”

As a novice programmer, I constantly need to make sure that I use HTML and CSS the correct way. This is where W3 Schools comes in. I have been using them for the past 3 months, and I'm quite happy with the site, especially since it's a free resource.

“Learn JavaScript here only!”

Well, to be honest, I am surprised with the tutorials on JavaScript, they are totally amazing! Everything is understandable and easy to implement in real life. Would recommend to everyone!

“Wonderful Experience”

I have learned the HTML, CSS and JavaScript from W3schools Tutorial. After completion of these courses, I joined for Angular JS Online Training in Bytes Online Training. It was an excellent session and course. It has been a wonderful experience. All the staff members are really helpful like W3 Schools Tutorial. Excellent sessions, really enjoyed the course and Absolutely awesome Instructors!

“Do you like to learn web programming”

Do you like to learn web programming. As a web programmer, I think this is the main reference to learn it. There are lots of well defined examples which will help you enjoy web programming.

“Best Web learning center”

When I first started learning web development, it was thanks to W3school that gave me more impression and I have the will to learn more than I had imagine, simple UI design but learning from W3school is not a joke. Service Value Shipping Returns Quality

“Great Site for anyone who wishes to learn web design...”

Great Site for anyone who wishes to learn web design and development. Easy explanations of topics and lots of examples make it easy to learn any language you wish

“About irrelevant content”

Functions Used as Variable Values... in this topic the try it yourself example is irrelevant so please give the correct example program for this topic

“One of the best website for quick guidance”

Sections for every topic and subtopic This site has grown over the years Helps me remember syntax and other details when i forget Helped me a lot in school

“Class experience”

Learned HTML and CSS, my experience was fabulous. The tutorials were so simple and easy to understand. I would surely recommend it to others who are also looking to learn Web Development.



“Best Website for Developers”

A perfect platform to learn HTML, CSS, and much more. It's just the best thing you can's absolutely a must-use tool.

“It's good not very helpful”

It's spaces are not working at all. Passwords are not working. The site is crashed and the forgot password is also not working. Else is fine. Service Quality

Is a Scam? Share Your Experience

How did you find this company/page? Online ads, suspicious Facebook advertisements, Instagram, email? You can help out many people today by commenting below.. Is a scam? If you interacted with this website, what score would you give it? Please share your experience below by leaving a review. Now, let's look at some powerful fraud prevention tips.

Top 5 Effective Ways To Spot a Scam Website [VIDEO]

There are many types of fake sites in the online world. We have some good news. Watch the video below to see the 5 effective ways you can spot a fraudulent website in 2024:


How To Remove Your Information From the Internet

Whether you like it or not, unfortunately, the Internet has all your personal information stored. How did that happen? Every time you visit a simple site and accept cookies, consent to their forms, or download an app, unscrupulous data brokers collect not just your phone number, name, AND address. They also sell this to third parties, which creates a $1 billion industry a year. Your collected personal data is used by buyers to send you never-ending spam emails, targeted ads, and, of course, telemarketing calls. Crooks use all your data without remorse.


We can help. Many people have asked us about how to remove your personal information from the Internet. If you want your data deleted entirely from the online world, contact our official partners at Incogni immediately. This legitimate data privacy tool works on your behalf to officially require a ton of online brokers to remove your data.


Our staff verifies this service works and is trustworthy. It costs only $6.49/month but is worth the cost. U.S., UK, EU, Swiss, and Canadian residents only. Click below. button remove data online

How To Report Online Tutorial Scams: FTC

Do you want to know how to report or other online scammers?Contact the Federal Trade Commission and fill out the form. You can also write down the names of suspicious sites or individuals in the comments section below. You will help thousands of potential victims.

How To Recognize Red Flags Online

Last but not least, here is another must-watch video you don't want to miss:


How To Protect Your Online Browsing From Installing Malware

We have two more powerful fraud prevention tools that you should know about. We've been asked over and over again about the most effective ways to stay safe online. After testing several fraud prevention products online, we could certainly say the winner is a browser extension called Guardio. It automatically blocks 100x more harmful websites than competitors and 10x more malicious downloads than any other security tool. It was tested and vetted by our Scam Detector team.


Guardio has over a million users, and while it is already affordable for the benefits it provides (just a few dollars a month), it covers up to 5 family members. For Scam Detector readers exclusively, Guardio offers a 20% discount this week. You can protect your online browsing from installing malware forever by clicking the button below: button remove data online


How To Stop Third Parties From Tracking Your Devices

The second most powerful fraud prevention tool you should consider is Surfshark. Here is why you should get it now, as the first 5 months are free:

  1. They have an award-winning VPN service, protecting your privacy and preventing third parties from tracking your device.
  2. They will notify you when your personal info is leaked online so you can delete your private data from the Internet immediately.
  3. Surfshark has a super powerful antivirus program. It offers you effective protection from viruses and zero-day threats, a lightweight, clean, and easy-to-use app, and a 30-day money-back guarantee.
  4. Check this: They hide your online searches, which means you will get only organic search results without tracking and follow-up ads. For example, when you search for a flight, and the next time you look at the same search, the prices are higher. With Surfshark, this doesn't happen.

For the Black Friday promotion, Surfshark offers 86% off + up to 5 months free to Scam Detector readers. You can get the deal only this week HERE or by clicking the button below. stop third parties to track my device button



Did You Lose Money to Any Scams?

Whether you have already lost money or not, when it comes to ANY type of fraud (other credit card scams, eBay, PayPal, financial, even romance scams, etc.), we are here to help. We have partnered with several powerful asset recovery companies. In an effort to help scam victims, we can take a look at your case. If you lost more than $1,000US to any type of fraud, please tell us your story and fill outTHIS FORM. The process of recovering the money is extensive and requires a lot of work. However, we're happy to take a look, so hopefully, you'll get your money back.

Online Tutorial Fraud Related Articles

Here are more resources for you. Feel free to check out the educational articles below: Amazon Pallets For Sale: The Biggest Scam of the Year Cryptocurrency Scams: Complete List Crypto Scammed? We May Be Able To Help Recover Your Money Text Message Scams: Complete List Coinbase Text Scam How To Stop Robocalls Discord Scams: FULL LIST Telegram Scams: FULL LIST

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If you own, we’d love to hear from you. If you'd like to challenge the trust score we’ve assigned, we’re happy to take a closer look. However, please be prepared to provide solid proof of your business's legitimacy. Introduce yourself with your name (not just "Admin").
When domain owners contact us to dispute their trust score, we kindly ask for the following:

* Business documentation that verifies your legitimacy (e.g., certificate of incorporation, business registration, or official records with the site or business name).

* Your personal LinkedIn profile and the business's social media accounts (e.g., Facebook).

* If available, proof of satisfied customers (e.g., screenshots, not just testimonials on your website), evidence of inventory, or records of handling order cancellations properly.

We’re more than willing to update your review based on the evidence you provide—the more proof, the higher your trust score. Please note, however, that we cannot verify non-operational websites or those redirected to other URLs. Additionally, we do not verify websites involved in high-risk financial services, gambling, adult content, or illegal activities.

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