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What Is Company Overview
Domain Creation Date
Thursday 23rd, May 1996 04:00 am
Domain Blacklist Status
Not detected by any blacklist engine
HTTPS Connection
Valid HTTPS Found
The's business is associated with a popular industry, but it still has some work to do to earn a top score. We extracted some content from the website to see what they say about themselves. Here's the conclusion:
{{ $root.metadata.description }}
Let's dive into the review of Technical Analysis
Key Facts
Domain age
28 years 6 months
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Blaze Media LLC
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SSL certificate valid
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Let's Encrypt
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Blaze Media LLC
Blaze Media LLC
Technical Contact
Blaze Media LLC
MarkMonitor, Inc. MarkMonitor Inc.
Register website
[email protected]
Server Name
The Scam Detector website Validator gives a fairly high trust score on the platform: 81.1. It signals that the business is best defined by the following tags: Fair. Valid. Known.. We are confident about our score as we also partner with other high-tech, fraud-prevention companies that found the same issues. So, why this score? We came up with the 81.1 score based on 53 aggregated factors relevant to's industry. The algorithm detected a low risk for activity related to phishing, spamming, and other factors noted in the Fair. Valid. Known. tags above. Long story short, we deemed this a known website, with a low scam probability. But let's explain in more detail.
Explaining Our Analytical Approach
We've displayed some important information within the Company Details section above, each deserving more explanation:
- Proximity to Suspicious Websites
- Threat Profile
- Phishing Profile
- Malware Score
- Spam Score
- Domain Blacklist Status
- HTTPS connection
- Domain Creation Date
While some are self-explanatory concerning, let's look closer at the remaining ones.
Proximity to Potentially Harmful Websites
This metric gauges the connection, scored on a scale of 1 to 100, between and websites marked as suspicious. Elevated scores point to a stronger link with these questionable online destinations. It's worth noting that website owners might not always be aware of their site's proximity to these dubious platforms or servers. However, a "Proximity to Suspicious Websites" score surpassing 80 strongly indicates a high-risk website, while a score below 30 signifies a less-threatening site.
Risk Factors: Threat, Phishing, Malware, and Spam
These indicators reveal the vulnerabilities and elements embedded within the HTML code of They become especially pertinent if the website has received reports from internet users who've encountered unsolicited emails, ads, or messages related to the site. In the context of, our investigation continues working to pinpoint the specific category, but we welcome your insights in the comments below. A high Malware score generally implies the presence of suspicious code that might be unknowingly disseminated. Conversely, a high Spam score hints at a possibly spam-ridden email address associated with the business. Scores under 30 in both categories are reassuring, but any score surpassing this threshold should raise concerns. is an innocuous suspicious website, given all the risk factors and data numbers analyzed in this in-depth review. Share your experience in the comments.
Domain Blacklisting Status
This term indicates whether has landed on any online directories' blacklists and earned a suspicious tag.
Assessing HTTPS Connectivity
This section provides insight into whether boasts an 's' at the end of the 'HTTP' protocol listed in your browser's address bar. If the tab displays in green, consider it a positive sign.
Safe Check
We want our trust scores and reviews to be as accurate as possible so that you can protect yourself from online fraud. Our algorithm aggregates factors that efficiently analyze a company's website, in this case,
Online Reviews of
- Score: 2.2 stars
“Biased to no end”
If you're looking for non biased news look somewhere else. Here's the summary of the majority of their content... "the left is responsible for everything wrong in your life, the right is the only way to make you feel safe". $#*! like this just divides the country and they play off of emotional reactions, not facts.
“You can get better hosts with YouTube, and that is FREE”
You are spending 10 dollars a month on untalented morons with a low budget production. Fox News is free. YouTube is free. Levin is just a wealthy man who can afford his own microphone, which doesn't mean I should pay for it.
“Exactly what I want and need - an island of political sanity in an otherwise insane ocean.”
It's hard to overstate the variety and volume one gets for under $100. I consider it an exceptional value and I don't mind spending the money one bit. I subscribe to multiple journals and they are sometimes unread and money wasted, but I can't say that about CRTV. I totally get my money's worth and haven't had a moment of buyer's remorse. Tip for consumers:Don't get overwhelmed with how much you receive once you're a member. I'm partial to Mark Levin's show and have seen nearly every episode from the beginning. Service Value Quality
“Merger is the end”
Why would any conservative platform want to disenfranchise it's viewers by bringing on someone like Beck who has offended so many of the very sort of people who are subscribing to your show? If I wanted to support Beck, I would have already been subscribed over there. Goodbye blaze TV, hopefully Robertson moves his show elsewhere.
“False Adver”
CRTV was touted as commercial-free. Now that Glenn Beck's on board, there's not a product or service he won't hawk. After subscription renewals, imagine commercials to massively increase AND the ability to skip through them to be GONE. Think of all that additional marketing revenue available to know-it-all Beck. Also, I miss Gavin McInnes. I'm disputing my credit card charge. False Advertising
“Stop advertising this $#*! idea when im trying to watch youtube”
I haven't watched CRTV but their ads are basically "aren't liberals stupid and all media is bad... except CRTV!" "and maybe foxnews". I'm not too smart but aren't you media and isn't the 1st amendment first for a reason. Dumb people follow Alex Jones and dumb people follow some crazy liberal agenda too. Most people are in the middle. CRTV is purposefully trying to divide friends, families, and neighbors from each other. $#*! them for the position they take. Don't be insane and just be decent to each other and think for yourself and stop trying to always make it this versus that or me versus them or whatever imaginary fight that you need to have in your life.
“Saved you a click - it sucks”
Unresearched, biased and hosts who lack any and all credibility. In plain English, it doesn't take long to realize that they're trying to be the new Fox News. So they upped the crazy, and dimmed the "facts.
“Great source to get your political information!”
I love this site. I am a conservative. The site resembles my core beliefs and political view. It is not a far right site. It is a conservative site. Since there is so much liberal bias in today's media, anything that leans right will be considered far right and crazy. If you are from the left and have an open mind give CRTV a try. This site will likely open your eyes. Definitely check out Steven Crowder on his Louder With Crowder show. He is a very funny political comedian.
“Great Alternative TV that should be main Stream.”
95% of all journalist are leftist. It's like a club and they want to keep it that way. The Left has control of main Stream TV and keeps it left by never allowing a "right" or even "Middle road" themed show to be aired. Why? Because it interferes with their Elitist/Globalist/NWO visions of what "They" think America's TV aught to be. The right has been exposing the left and their schemes for years! Why would they allow a right show? Now you know why CRTV is so important to American TV viewers. We need to see both sides of an issue to make up our minds and draw educated conclusions.
“Phenomenal channel with talented conservative personalities”
CRTV has put together quite an ensemble of conservative/libertarian hosts, allowing many of them to get out from under the thumb of the youtube censoring overlords. I thoroughly enjoy the content produced by individuals such as Crowder, McInnes, and Roaming Millennial. Will continue to subscribe and enjoy this channel.
“Awesome Programming”
I subscribed when it was Levin TV with one hour of programming each day. Since then, the programming has expanded to more than a dozen shows. Oddly, my favorite show is "We Talk Sports" - the only show I watch every day. That includes programming from Netflix, Amazon Prime & Daily Wire.
“Not all that great”
I like Mark Levin, and Phil Robertson. But "In The Woods" seems like more of a 10 minute filler feature, not a full length program. I watched a few episodes and at the end, I'm thinking "was that it?". Mark Levin is alright. But I get more out of his talk show on the radio... Other programs are mediocre, kinda like the stuff you watch when you can't find nothing on TV. The shows are low budget. Not very well produced... almost like Phil Robinson recorded the show on a smart phone... I consider myself a hard core Republican/Libertarian. But I get more entertainment value watching You Tube personalities. I realize this network is new, and in probably in a little more time, it will evolve. But a year subscription is not worth $99.00 a year. I don't like The Blaze network, can't stand Glen Beck anymore. But at least when he debuted his network. It wasn't a half-assed production.
“No More”
Hey Mark I really liked your show and the rest of the crew but now that you have put Glenn Beck on there I refuse to pay my money to him. In my eyes he is just like Mitt Romney and how in the hell can you be a democrat one day and then a Republican the next. They have both down graded my President and even though I don't have a choice with Romney I do have a choice about supporting beck. So needless to say I won't be supporting your channel until he is gone
“Six shows for $80/yr”
I signed up because I love Phil Robertson and they were hyping his new "In The Woods" program as if it were going to be cutting edge. Alas, it's boring as crap and I mean like watching paint dry, not like watching them unload the grocery truck. They have about six shows, Levin, Malkin, and 4 others that you've probably never heard of. You can get so much more for free on YouTube; it's not like you're going to get any fresh news on this site. DON'T BUY THIS CHANNEL.
“It's as if they're trying to get rid of their younger audience”
I don't like to swing right, but Gavin, Crowder, and Malkin appeal to millennials in a crucial time of need for conservative voices in that age group. Why on earth would anyone think that bringing on Glenn Beck would be a good fit? Firing these people sealed their fate. Also, you can easily subsrcibe on their website but you have to call in to unsubscribe? What kind of trickery is this? I shouldn't have to call ANYBODY to unsubscribe. CRTV is so out of touch with millennials and I foresee the network collapsing because of this choice. I unsubscribed and am asking for a refund for my last charge since they charged me on the EXACT day they fired the main people I watched on their network.
This news channel is not even slightly based in reality. Go elsewhere if you're looking for balanced news or accurate data. One sided news like this only serves to divide us up.
“The Downfall”
This channel started off with good intentions as does many successful enterprises. This is truly the oasis in the desert for many conservatives. Yes, I realize there are not many great outlets that you can actually listen to conservatives but, I simply cannot justify the selling of ones soul to work for a conservative conglomerate. When you silence voices that you cannot control you are no longer a source that I wish to listen to. I don't agree with everything I hear from either side but I'd rather be given the option than have one snuffed out by corporate greed. I paid for CRTV because I could hear a variety of different conservative opinions from Phil to Malkin to Bolling, but now, without Gavin you are fulfilling the lefts prophecy and silencing your own. I cannot stand idly by and let you take my money and silence voices. Please delete Beck from the program or die like his radio and TV show have done ever since denouncing our President. I do not want him reaching across the aisle and I want everyone to know that the Devil comes in many shapes and forms, much like Glenn Beck.
“$10 a month? For what?”
Not my cup of tea. But I am not a fan of Mark Levin. Check it out on you tube before subscribing.
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Fraud Related Articles
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