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Is legit? It's likely. The website earned a medium authoritative trust score from our website Validator. We put to work 53 powerful factors to expose high-risk activity and see if is safe. Let's explore the website and its industry through an in-depth review. You'll also learn how to detect and block scam websites and what you can do if you already lost your money.

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  • Domain Creation Date

    Thursday 27th, June 1996 04:00 am

  • Domain Blacklist Status

    Not detected by any blacklist engine

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    Valid HTTPS Found

  • Proximity to Suspicious Websites


The's business is associated with a popular industry, and we wanted to validate that connection. We extracted some content from the website to see what they say about themselves. Here's the conclusion:

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Domain age
28 years 5 months

Company Data

Coinamatic Canada Inc.

Coinamatic Canada Inc.

301 Matheson Blvd W



[email protected]


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SSL certificate valid

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Coinamatic Canada Inc.

Coinamatic Canada Inc.

301 Matheson Blvd W





Wardell, Charlie


301 Matheson Blvd W




Technical Contact

Coinamatic Canada Inc.

Coinamatic Canada Inc.

301 Matheson Blvd W





Network Solutions, LLC


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[email protected]


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The Scam Detector website Validator gives a medium-risk trust score on the platform: 69.4. It signals that the business is best defined by the following tags: Known. Vetted. Low Risk.. We are confident about our score as we also partner with other high-tech, fraud-prevention companies that found the same issues. So, why this score? We came up with the 69.4 score based on 53 aggregated factors relevant to's industry. The algorithm detected a slightly lower risk for activity related to phishing, spamming, and other factors, noted in the Known. Vetted. Low Risk. tags above. Long story short, we recommend staying vigilant and using common sense when engaging with this website. But let's explain in more detail.

Explaining Our Analytical Approach

We've displayed some important information within the Company Details section above, each deserving more explanation:

  • Proximity to Suspicious Websites
  • Threat Profile
  • Phishing Profile
  • Malware Score
  • Spam Score
  • Domain Blacklist Status
  • HTTPS connection
  • Domain Creation Date

While some are self-explanatory concerning, let's dive deeper into the remaining ones.

Proximity to Potentially Harmful Websites

This metric gauges the connection, scored on a scale of 1 to 100, between and websites marked as suspicious. Elevated scores point to a stronger link with these questionable online destinations. It's worth noting that website owners might not always be aware of their site's proximity to these dubious platforms or servers. However, a "Proximity to Suspicious Websites" score surpassing 80 strongly indicates a high-risk website, while a score below 30 signifies a less-threatening site.

Risk Factors: Threat, Phishing, Malware, and Spam

These indicators reveal the vulnerabilities and elements embedded within the HTML code of They become especially pertinent if the website has received reports from internet users who've encountered unsolicited emails, ads, or messages related to the site. In the context of, our investigation continues working to pinpoint the specific category, but we welcome your insights in the comments below. A high Malware score generally implies the presence of suspicious code that might be unknowingly disseminated. Conversely, a high Spam score hints at a possibly spam-ridden email address associated with the business. Scores under 30 in both categories are reassuring, but any score surpassing this threshold should raise concerns. is likely a safe website, given all the risk factors and data numbers analyzed in this in-depth review. Share your experience in the comments.

Domain Blacklisting Status

This term indicates whether has landed on any online directories' blacklists and earned a suspicious tag.

Assessing HTTPS Connectivity

This section provides insight into whether boasts an 's' at the end of the 'HTTP' protocol listed in your browser's address bar. If the tab displays in green, consider it a positive sign.

Safe Check

We want our trust scores and reviews to be as accurate as possible so that you can protect yourself from online fraud. Our algorithm aggregates factors that efficiently analyze a company's website, in this case,

Online Reviews of

  • Trustpilot
  • Score: 1.6
They don't provide refunds for the laundry card if you need to return it. Transferring balances between cards isn't allowed. There's a $0.25 fee for reloading funds, and the machines are old and frequently malfunction.
WORST custumer service EVER ! One week after call to repair a washing machine and still nothing 😡
I live in Saint-Jerome QC. Coinamatic have the worst customer service ever. Our building has 70 appartements with 3 washers Andrès 3 dryers. Now only one dryer works but mostlikely Not for long. It takes months before they repair or replace a machine. They keep saying that the parts are hard to find, the reason is the equipment is too old. I do not recommend this company.
The worst service, washing machines are too old always breakdown at 12 st Dennis driveI request the building manager to end the agreement with this scam company (coinmatic) always spending double for washing machines every ones fed up from their service
My building has partnered with Coinmatic and is charging less for a hot water wash because it's really cool water they are using.This is a TCHC property.The tenant won't know because Coinmatic's washing machine is still giving a hot water option.They used to use hot water for a hot wash.Coinmatic needs to let tenants know there is no hot water for a hot wash which is why they're charging less money.Because money is being wasted due to clothes needing to be washed over and over again.Don't use Coinmatic!!!!!!!
They have outsourced. Biggest mistake and now it’s a sinking ship. Literally just have upper management working. A lot of good employees have left unfortunately.
Horrible service. The card dispensary has been empty for 3 days now and called multiple times to have it re-filled. Every time they create a "work order" but no one comes and actually fills the machines. And they say the "work order" has been completed or cancelled. We will create a new one and nothing happens again.
They removed any way to pay for laundry machines without having bs "access fee" charges. Despicable and downright illegal, I hope this company gets burned to the ground.
The new card system was installed into our apartment building’s laundry room. We were tapping our card where it indicated to do so but the device was not responding, so we were trying different ways to hold our card thinking we must have it wrong when suddenly it took our money twice. I called the company and they said they won’t refund us the $3 because it was not a machine error, but human error. I am waiting for a supervisor to cal back—we’ll see if they do, but the agent said I still wouldn’t get a refund as it is company policy. Not fair. The device wasn’t reading our card (brand new and just uploaded) and then it took the money twice in a split second.
They take advantage of the tenants by providing terrible machines, terrible cards that break and really rotten customer service. The sign says card cost $5 yet the real cost is $10. We need to bring back the laundromat to put these thieves out of business. There should be laws against this sort of extortion. Crooks
Overpriced garbage corporation, with garbage machines and a garbage payment system that is decades out of date.Actual customer service is basically non-existent, but hey, at least you can call them and talk to their mistreated employees.The laundry machines are always dirty and are broken about 10% of the time. They've stained my clothes multiple times, left me without clean clothes at critical times, and it almost always takes a double wash to get them as clean as most laundromats or home machines would.
Much smaller machines them before. Instead of $1.50 per load, it’s now $4 as you have to do smaller amounts. The card fee is $10. Then you load it, it charges your bank account. And surprise surprise, the card doesn’t work and you can’t do laundry. Their customer service is also a joke.
We’re on holiday from ukThe laundry at our apartments has lost its coin facility, and the app to work the machines won’t accept credit from cards…..been like that for a few days now - with a note saying please be patient … no updates……
Who is responsible for this excessive increase in the price of washers and dryers which, by the way, are used and often break and also tear our clothes??!!!It's disgusting to abuse poor people like that!!!! $3 for 1 wash in your old and cheap washer always broken???!!! And $2.50 for old and disgusting dryers that make a hell of a noise and break half the time!!!! You are opportunists who make money on the backs of the poor!!! I wish a competing company to take your place, a better company with more reasonable prices, better machines and better service!!! I am filing a complaint with the consumer protection office and I am up for it if one of you wants to file a class action against this company of thieves!!!!
Machines aren't that good and the card that they give you are cheap and poor quality, they break very often(metal sensor on card doesn't read). I keep this card separated completely, not in a wallet or anything, just to prevent it from scratching but the washing machines and dryers seem to cause the problem. This is a way for them to sell you more cards. I'm on my fourth card now. I'm stuck using this terrible service in my building since I don't own a car. The prices are also high for the quality of washer/dryer you get.Here's a tip, add a tapping sensor so, I can just wave my card like a normal credit card.
They make up conditions as they go. They don’t say in advance that their “value code” is not refundable and can only be loaded all or nothing, nor that they have a limit on how much can be loaded on the card. Then of course loading the card via the code doesn’t work, but you are the one to blame for all your problems!Their system is very poorly designed and executed, and they are taking advantage of that. I’m sorry for their employees that they need to put up with this on an everyday basis. And of course sorry for all of us customers for the extremely poor service. We have not even a choice as tenants.
I am a resident of Hammond Towers, an apartment building in Prince George, BC. I am writing to formally address several ongoing issues with our laundry service provided by Coinamatic.Over the past two years, I have observed a consistent lack of maintenance and care for the laundry machines. Despite the significant fees we pay, the machines have never been properly cleaned. The washing machines are full of, drug paraphernalia, and other debris, which presents serious health and safety concerns. One winter, our building was without laundry services for over two weeks. When this was reported to Coinamatic, the response was dismissive, stating that it was not considered an emergency. This disregard for residents' needs is unacceptable and demonstrates a lack of commitment to providing reliable service.Furthermore, there are ongoing issues with the payment system. Many residents have experienced problems with the laundry cards, including cards that do not work, fail to load, or even result in unauthorized charges to tenants' bank accounts without adding funds to their laundry cards. Coinamatic's resolution process places the entire burden on the apartment manager and the residents, offering either a replacement card or the option to mail in the faulty card for a refund. As an elderly and disabled woman, this process is particularly burdensome for me, especially during extreme weather conditions. Coinamatic’s lack of accountability and subpar customer service are deeply concerning. Their representatives often provide scripted responses that fail to address specific issues, which further exemplifies their inadequate support. Given these numerous and severe issues, I am considering organizing a petition to boycott Coinamatic and demand better services and accountability. It is imperative that Coinamatic upholds its obligations to provide safe, reliable, and hygienic laundry services to all residents. I would like to add the cleaners that come in do an amazing job. The laundry room itself is always CLEAN! Its the INSIDE of dirty smelly machines that are never serviced.
Happy New Year Less for MoreOver the holiday period we were ripped off again by this all of our machines run only 28 minutes for $3.00. Used to be 2.75 .Previously on the heavy cycle hot was 3.25 and would run for 43 minutes. Dryers raised .25 cents as well.Consumer Rip off but this company is in my present building...
I was overcharged 20 dollars. Once I bought a card but it didn't come out. Another time the dryer broke and I was not refunded my money.
Price too high. Dryers don’t dry. This is ongoing for years.
  • Sitejabber
  • Score:

“Stuck with them”

My building has been using their service for years but ever since they went online everything has gone wrong. I still have the option of using my laundry card but thought to try the app and twice I was missing money and they also charge $0.25 every time to load the app so I went back to the laundry card and use cash now to load it. No fees and I don't seem to be missing money. The most frustrating part is their online portal that allows you to see which washers and dryers are in use IS NEVER accurate. It never seems to sync. There is no way to contact the company as they don't have an email anymore and the online form doesn't apply to this issue. They must be very cheap for my landlord to hire this horrible company.

Is a Scam? Share Your Experience

How did you find this company/page? Online ads, suspicious Facebook advertisements, Instagram, email? You can help out many people today by commenting below.. Is a scam? If you interacted with this website, what score would you give it? Please share your experience below by leaving a review. Now, let's look at some powerful fraud prevention tips.

Top 5 Effective Ways To Spot a Scam Website [VIDEO]

There are many types of fake sites in the online world. We have some good news. Watch the video below to see the 5 effective ways you can spot a fraudulent website in 2024:


How To Remove Your Information From the Internet

Whether you like it or not, unfortunately, the Internet has all your personal information stored. How did that happen? Every time you visit a simple site and accept cookies, consent to their forms, or download an app, unscrupulous data brokers collect not just your phone number, name, AND address. They also sell this to third parties, which creates a $1 billion industry a year. Your collected personal data is used by buyers to send you never-ending spam emails, targeted ads, and, of course, telemarketing calls. Crooks use all your data without remorse.


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How To Report Scams: FTC

Do you want to know how to report or other online scammers?Contact the Federal Trade Commission and fill out the form. You can also write down the names of suspicious sites or individuals in the comments section below. You will help thousands of potential victims.

How To Recognize Red Flags Online

Last but not least, here is another must-watch video you don't want to miss:


How To Protect Your Online Browsing From Installing Malware

We have two more powerful fraud prevention tools that you should know about. We've been asked over and over again about the most effective ways to stay safe online. After testing several fraud prevention products online, we could certainly say the winner is a browser extension called Guardio. It automatically blocks 100x more harmful websites than competitors and 10x more malicious downloads than any other security tool. It was tested and vetted by our Scam Detector team.


Guardio has over a million users, and while it is already affordable for the benefits it provides (just a few dollars a month), it covers up to 5 family members. For Scam Detector readers exclusively, Guardio offers a 20% discount this week. You can protect your online browsing from installing malware forever by clicking the button below: button remove data online


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For the Black Friday promotion, Surfshark offers 86% off + up to 5 months free to Scam Detector readers. You can get the deal only this week HERE or by clicking the button below. stop third parties to track my device button



Did You Lose Money to Any Scams?

Whether you have already lost money or not, when it comes to ANY type of fraud (other credit card scams, eBay, PayPal, financial, even romance scams, etc.), we are here to help. We have partnered with several powerful asset recovery companies. In an effort to help scam victims, we can take a look at your case. If you lost more than $1,000US to any type of fraud, please tell us your story and fill outTHIS FORM. The process of recovering the money is extensive and requires a lot of work. However, we're happy to take a look, so hopefully, you'll get your money back.

Fraud Related Articles

Here are more resources for you. Feel free to check out the educational articles below: Amazon Pallets For Sale: The Biggest Scam of the Year Cryptocurrency Scams: Complete List Crypto Scammed? We May Be Able To Help Recover Your Money Text Message Scams: Complete List Coinbase Text Scam How To Stop Robocalls Discord Scams: FULL LIST Telegram Scams: FULL LIST

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When domain owners contact us to dispute their trust score, we kindly ask for the following:

* Business documentation that verifies your legitimacy (e.g., certificate of incorporation, business registration, or official records with the site or business name).

* Your personal LinkedIn profile and the business's social media accounts (e.g., Facebook).

* If available, proof of satisfied customers (e.g., screenshots, not just testimonials on your website), evidence of inventory, or records of handling order cancellations properly.

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