Scam detector validator

Is Legit?

Is safe? This website is well-known, scoring a fairly high score on our chart. We put to work 53 powerful factors to expose high-risk activity and see if is legitimate. Let's look at it and its CRYPTOCURRENCIES industry through an in-depth review. You'll also learn how to detect and block scam websites and what you can do if you already lost your money.

The Scam Detector’s algorithm gives this business the following rank:


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What Is Company Overview

  • Domain Creation Date

    Thursday 29th, May 2014 01:47 am

  • Domain Blacklist Status

    Not detected by any blacklist engine

  • HTTPS Connection

    Valid HTTPS Found

The's business is associated with a popular CRYPTOCURRENCIES industry, but it still has some work to do to earn a top score. We extracted some content from the website to see what they say about themselves. Here's the conclusion:

Bitchute is a video service that prioritizes creators and champions users' freedoms and privacy.

Let's dive into the review of Technical Analysis

Key Facts

Domain age
10 years 4 months

Company Data








Website Data


SSL certificate valid

SSL issuer
Google Trust Services

WHOIS registration date

WHOIS last update date

WHOIS renew date















Technical Contact








Cloudflare, Inc. CloudFlare, Inc.


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[email protected]


Server Name



The Scam Detector website Validator gives a fairly high trust score on the platform: 80.9. It signals that the business is best defined by the following tags: Fair. Valid. Known.. We are confident about our score as we also partner with other high-tech, fraud-prevention companies that found the same issues. So, why this score? We came up with the 80.9 score based on 53 aggregated factors relevant to's industry. The algorithm detected a low risk for activity related to phishing, spamming, and other factors noted in the Fair. Valid. Known. tags above. Long story short, we deemed this a known website, with a low scam probability. But let's explain in more detail.

Explaining Our Analytical Approach

We've displayed some important information within the Company Details section above, each deserving more explanation:

  • Proximity to Suspicious Websites
  • Threat Profile
  • Phishing Profile
  • Malware Score
  • Spam Score
  • Domain Blacklist Status
  • HTTPS connection
  • Domain Creation Date

While some are self-explanatory concerning, let's look closer at the remaining ones.

Proximity to Potentially Harmful Websites

This metric gauges the connection, scored on a scale of 1 to 100, between and websites marked as suspicious. Elevated scores point to a stronger link with these questionable online destinations. It's worth noting that website owners might not always be aware of their site's proximity to these dubious platforms or servers. However, a "Proximity to Suspicious Websites" score surpassing 80 strongly indicates a high-risk website, while a score below 30 signifies a less-threatening site.

Risk Factors: Threat, Phishing, Malware, and Spam

These indicators reveal the vulnerabilities and elements embedded within the HTML code of They become especially pertinent if the website has received reports from internet users who've encountered unsolicited emails, ads, or messages related to the site. In the context of, our investigation continues working to pinpoint the specific category, but we welcome your insights in the comments below. A high Malware score generally implies the presence of suspicious code that might be unknowingly disseminated. Conversely, a high Spam score hints at a possibly spam-ridden email address associated with the business. Scores under 30 in both categories are reassuring, but any score surpassing this threshold should raise concerns. is an innocuous suspicious website, given all the risk factors and data numbers analyzed in this in-depth review. Share your experience in the comments.

Domain Blacklisting Status

This term indicates whether has landed on any online directories' blacklists and earned a suspicious tag.

Assessing HTTPS Connectivity

This section provides insight into whether boasts an 's' at the end of the 'HTTP' protocol listed in your browser's address bar. If the tab displays in green, consider it a positive sign.

Safe Check

We want our trust scores and reviews to be as accurate as possible so that you can protect yourself from online fraud. Our algorithm aggregates factors that efficiently analyze a company's website, in this case,

Online Reviews of

  • Trustpilot
  • Score: 1.8
A complete fraud. Worse than Youtube. At least the latter tell you why your videos will not publish. Avoid.
If you seem to enjoy racism and the hatred of people from different races or religious beliefs on this website, this is where you belong and you should seriously seek mental help!!Don’t go to this dangerous website!The BitChute team really needs to heavily monitor their website and start banning people from making racist or inappropriate comments/videos.
Fk’n suck!! They intentionally block you from having an account, if you have an account they make you change your password, even then, it still does not allow you access!! Fk bitchute!!
This website now has censorship reminiscent of Google/Youtube. Comments vanish and video's that are seemingly too damaging to certain narratives are removed despite braking no guidelines. Even a clip from Rik Mayall's last film before his death shortly after 'One By One' has been erased from the site. I'll instead be using Rumble and perhaps Odysee.
bitchute was good up to maybe 3 years ago.. I know this is a 'free' service but at least try to make it stable enough to generate income from free client contentRecently I noticed *many* of my hundreds of uploaded videos no longer load and I can't download them so many of them are lost forever!
videos might dissapear because they are not able to load again while playing from life account,Not a smooth working site.. lot of garbage content .and american law so u still might end up like youtube with content removed becasuse of this garbage american style lawalso poor 480p quality max still small user base
If you use clean-room/dirty-room techniques to guarantee that BitChute (5-eyes) has no (behind-the-scenes) path to a credit card or phone number to IRL ID you, you can no longer create a signon which enables you to upload comments or give thumbs up/down to others' comments. Everything will function as normal until you try to post. It will act like it is uploading, "think about it while 'digesting' your comment," then simply "err out" without posting anything. It is the end of free speech on BitChute without the govts being able to easily keep track of everything you say. It's kind of stupid, because they already have all your IP data.
I just opened an account, gave a bunch of personal information, got my email verified and just as I tried to engage in a discussion, I realized I can't comment. Impossible to comment!!!!!!! Now I don't trust the platform, because it suppresses speech and the stats are unreliable therefore. I see no point in having an account if I cannot comment. I will go elsewhere to post my comment. I sent Bitchute an account deletion request. It's funny that it will take a week, although I didn't last 15 minutes on this platform. I wish I had read the Trustpilot comments before trying to open an account there.
Far right comments here are utter nonsense. YT, FB and TW ban everything that doesn't fit the agenda of billionaires, controlling world governments. Bitchute is one of the last bastions of free speech - which is what we want, right? Yes there is some hogwash but there is also a lot of fascinating content big brother has decided you're not allowed to see on other channels. Try before you buy the fake right wing-left wing nonsense - that's just PR to stop you learning.
Horrible platform,slow,bad graphic,if you try to uploads contents it takes ages ,with the result of an error message tellig to contact support,the biggest waste of time of my life.I never heard before,someone suggested me but i'll stay away from this thing as much as i can.I couldn't be more disappointed
Comments from your account cannot be found, therefore edited or deleted. Bitchute indicates to click "discus"(.com) in settings for this but it is not listed.
Disengenuous host, blocks video and comments agaisnt targeted content creators. No better than YouTube now, because it's owned by Google. Brand New Tube is were the refugees of YouTube and bit chute are going, I recommend you do the same and get off YouTube and bit chute, move to Brand New Tube asap. It's our turn to demonetize their platforms by boycotting them and their advertising partners. Boycott all Google/FB/YouTube advertisers, write a bad review on the corporate site of all evil tech panderers and advertisers and boycott their products for life! Destroy them, starve them, they're traitors, make them irrelevant, bankrupt them. Amen.
Whilst the premise of the platform is legit, the upload tool is completely unreliable and the comments section is rubbish (cant get rid of spammenrs, can only hide their comments so you dont see it, but it stays there for everyone to see). I have to reupload almost every single video 2 or 3 times and sometimes have to give up entirely.The feature which brings over YouTube uploads also works intermittently at best.I really wish this thing as at least 80% reliable.
Free Speech is a fundamental law of Quantum physics . You could not get the right answer without good and bad guesses in the wisdom of the crowd when finding the right amount of sweets in the mason jar. Its how we as a species find the correct answer. When pages like facebook try to manipulate people breaking the Pareto principle (try Vsauce Zipfs law for explanation) and trying to force critical mass and quantum transference in the 100th monkey effect. This site is balance to the communist values of social media as is our first law.
It’s kind of glitchy on mobile. Video won’t expand to full screen even though there is an option for it. Videos take too long to start. Needs a native comment system instead of Disqus. Other than that it’s alright. I appreciate their apparent commitment to free speech.Update: I hate it and will go back to youtube or look for something else.
This is a god awful service. Uploading videos and getting them processed is a major headache. I am also being censored as Bitchute is a center for ultra right wing hate groups. My only reason for going there is to counter the lies of a Qcrazy that is trashing my reputation. Whoever is running Bitchute has no idea how to run the thing.
Bitchute has become quite a viable alternative to Youtube. However, there is a problem with it that the site owners refuse to police. In almost every video posted, you will find comment after comment of the most horrible anti-semitic content possible. Not only this, but every single user is harassed by these parasites.I don't see them growing much until they get rid of this problem.
Free speech? Only if you're a right wing nutcase, or a hardcore anti-semite with intentions of posting dodgy weblinks on every board and harassing users. Horrible place, full of mentally ill haters. I don't think one of my comments lasted more than 4 hours before being flagged by bigots or the foil hat brigade and removed. They were genuinely tame by comparison. Hoping for an adult debate or discussion on videos and remarks there is like passing wind in a storm. Pointless using it, just before shutting my account they starting implementing moderation where every comment was withheld under some spam filter before publication. A 'Hate' video host. No interest in using it to upload content or otherwise. There is nothing to lose beyond your dignity, so I say try it first and see what I mean. Free speech should work both ways, not just in favour of neo-nazis with an agenda online.
Honestly just can't be maintained. I uploaded THREE videos before they just stopped uploading. Support is useless, and they even deleted my infinitely-processing video. I was so hopeful that this place would allow me to break free of how awful YouTube is, but it is not worth it. I am going to delete my account now. Also, apparently this place makes at least £50,000 a month based on their "support us" nonsense. Pay to play seems to make sense. Terrible.
There is no issue uploading or commenting as some of these commentors would like you to believe. The same goes for those calling people names like nazi. There may be some anti-zionist material on there but don't watch it if you don't like it! Bitchute is a great source for truth. Kind of like Youtube back in 2013. The people who don't want you looking are the ones hiding the truth.
  • Sitejabber
  • Score:

“Does not work. Lack of interaction capabilities. Neat YouTube conection.”

Speciffic videos do not start, and that is about half of them. Notifications for many things are absent, and so are sections for reviewing interactions between people, therefore, can not be known a comment is cast on your media unless that media is actively reviewed. Video often takes up to half a minute to start and is often loading slower than is playing. Has neat YouTube connection, what is post on the YouTube is automatically post on BitChute too. My time on the platform was a few years back. On coming back to it I see that the first problem is still.

“Horrendous upload and process”

It is super slow, the processing gets stuck, and there's no customer service or technical support. I have written dozens of emails, but never received a single response or see any changes in its service. Very disappointing; very annoying, nerve wrecking, and careless. Products used:Platform Service Value Quality

“Garbage and a waste of time!”

Garbage and a waste of time! They claim that no one is censored. This is a lie! Several times I tried to post comments, I posted and they were removed without the slightest explanation! I suspect that this platform is a trap for collecting user data. Don't waste your time on this garbage! Products used:Only the the $#*!ute plataform. Service Quality

“Crap quality”

I have posted well over 460 videos on bitchute. There has never been a full 72 hours of problem free service from bitchute. The upload sucks to the core. I have written to them at least 40 times, and in the last 10 emails, not once they've responded, and have no intention of fixing the constant error 525 and 404, and their dismal upload and video processing. The only supposed positive thing about it is the supposed uncensorship, but then again I questioned them on it, and they never denied. Apparently it is located only 2 mins away from the Royal Army 77th Brigade, which is the military unit handling and fighting cyber anti mainstream and official narratives. I no longer trust bitchute! I'm starting to think it is set up by the British government to gather names and information on oppositions.

“Great alternative to ""”

Great alternative to "" I like that is less censored, and I can find content that would be taken down by Google here.


I have been with this video site for 1 year & 1 month. I have achieved the Bronze level and been "Rewarded" the silver badge. Of late I am extremely disappointed with them. Overall their glitches dont seem to happen on other video sharing websites like for example That particular website is excellent. Videos of mine get stuck inbetween processing and publishing. Or they mysteriously go missing. To the point that I always have to reupload again. Also in their Mission Statement they claim not to censor and that they support "Free Speech". This is a misnomer. I find that when I go through my playlists there are several videos that are: Unavailable". It is not my setting. I have checked this. And whats most disturbing, is that I cannot access those videos that are made unavailable. This morning I put up a video which I double-checked before I put up and to my horror when I looked in my recent videos I dont know how it happened but when I pressed play it was a totally different video? Really mystified as to how that happened? If people want to start a video channel I would not recommend

“They continually mess up signing in especially and deliberately if you're campaigning child safety”

They continually mess up signing in especially and deliberately if you're campaigning for child safety. Tip for consumers:They continually mess up signing in especially and deliberately if you're campaigning for child safety.

Is a Scam? Share Your Experience

How did you find this company/page? Online ads, suspicious Facebook advertisements, Instagram, email? You can help out many people today by commenting below.. Is a scam? If you interacted with this website, what score would you give it? Please share your experience below by leaving a review. Now, let's look at some powerful fraud prevention tips.

Top 5 Effective Ways To Spot a Scam Website [VIDEO]

There are many types of fake sites in the online world. We have some good news. Watch the video below to see the 5 effective ways you can spot a fraudulent website in 2024:


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Do you want to know how to report or other online scammers?Contact the Federal Trade Commission and fill out the form. You can also write down the names of suspicious sites or individuals in the comments section below. You will help thousands of potential victims.

How To Recognize Red Flags Online

Last but not least, here is another must-watch video you don't want to miss:


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Did You Lose Money to Any Scams?

Whether you have already lost money or not, when it comes to ANY type of fraud (other credit card scams, eBay, PayPal, financial, even romance scams, etc.), we are here to help. We have partnered with several powerful asset recovery companies. In an effort to help scam victims, we can take a look at your case. If you lost more than $1,000US to any type of fraud, please tell us your story and fill outTHIS FORM. The process of recovering the money is extensive and requires a lot of work. However, we're happy to take a look, so hopefully, you'll get your money back.

Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Fraud Related Articles

Here are more resources for you. Feel free to check out the educational articles below: Amazon Pallets For Sale: The Biggest Scam of the Year Cryptocurrency Scams: Complete List Crypto Scammed? We May Be Able To Help Recover Your Money Text Message Scams: Complete List Coinbase Text Scam How To Stop Robocalls Discord Scams: FULL LIST Telegram Scams: FULL LIST

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If you own, we’d love to hear from you. If you'd like to challenge the trust score we’ve assigned, we’re happy to take a closer look. However, please be prepared to provide solid proof of your business's legitimacy. Introduce yourself with your name (not just "Admin").

When domain owners contact us to dispute their trust score, we kindly ask for the following:

* Business documentation that verifies your legitimacy (e.g., certificate of incorporation, business registration, or official records with the site or business name).

* Your personal LinkedIn profile and the business's social media accounts (e.g., Facebook).

* If available, proof of satisfied customers (e.g., screenshots, not just testimonials on your website), evidence of inventory, or records of handling order cancellations properly.

We’re more than willing to update your review based on the evidence you provide—the more proof, the higher your trust score. Please note, however, that we cannot verify non-operational websites or those redirected to other URLs. Additionally, we do not verify websites involved in high-risk financial services, gambling, adult content, or illegal activities.

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